Bill and teds excellent adventure project timeline

By JFelix
  • 1293 BCE


    Moses is a religious figure in Judaism and Christianity born 1393 bc and died 1273 bc
  • 480 BCE

    King Leonidas (Thew 300)

    King Leonidas  (Thew 300)
    King Leonidas leads 300 Spartans against the Persian army in the battle of Thermopylae
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Greats Death

    Alexander the Greats Death
    The death date of Alexander the great
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar was a ruler in the roman empire. He was born 7/13/100bc and he died 3/15/44 bc
  • 44


    Jesus the religious figure was born 4 bc and died 44 ad
  • Jun 8, 632


    Muhammad is a Arabic religious figure born 5/22/571 and died 6/8/632
  • Aug 18, 1227

    Genghis Khan

    Genghis Khan
    Genghis Khan was the emperor of the mongol empire and invaded china. He was born 4/16/1162 and died 8/18/1227
  • Jan 8, 1324

    Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    Marco Polo was an Italian explorer born 9/15/1254 and died 1/8/1324
  • May 20, 1506

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    He was and Italian explorer that was born in 1451 and died 5/20/1506
  • 1512

    King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella - Date they unified all of Spain

    King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella - Date they unified all of Spain
    Spain was unified under their rule in 1512
  • May 2, 1519

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci was a Italian inventor born 4/15/1452 and died 5/2/1519
  • Jun 29, 1520


    the ruler was born 1466 and died 6/29/1520
  • Jun 26, 1541

    Francisco Pizarro

    Francisco Pizarro
    Francisco Pizarro was a Spanish conquistador born 3/16/1478 and was assassinated 6/26/1541
  • Feb 18, 1546

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was a German professor born 11/10/1483 and died 2/18/1546
  • Jan 28, 1547

    King Henry VIII

    King Henry VIII
    Born on 6/28/1492 King Henry VIII ruled England from 1451 until his death 1/28/1547
  • Dec 2, 1547

    Herman Cortes

    Herman Cortes
    Born in 1485 Herman Cortes was a Spanish conquistador. His death date is 12/2/1547
  • Jul 24, 1567

    The day James the !st was crowned king

    The day James the !st was crowned king
    The day that James the 1st was crowned king of Scotland
  • Mary Queen of Scotts

    Mary Queen of Scotts
    A former ruler of Scotland that was born 12/8/1542 and died 2/8/1587
  • The First performance of Romeo and Juliet

    The First performance of Romeo and Juliet
    The First performance of the famous play Romeo And Juliet Written by William Shakesphere
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    John Locke was an English philosopher born 8/29/1632 and died 10/28/1704
  • Montesquieu

    Montesquieu, a French judge was born 1/18/1689 and died 2/10/1755
  • Voltaire

    Voltaire was a French enlightenment writer born 11/24/1694 and died 5/30/1778
  • King Louis XVI

    King Louis XVI
    King Louis XVI, The last king of France before the french revolution was born on 8/23/1754 and died 1/23/1793
  • Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette
    Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France before the french revolution was born 11/2/1755 and died during the french revolution on 10/16/1793
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    George Washington was the first u.s president and he was born 2/22/1732 and died 12/14/1799
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon was a French general born 8/15/1769 and died 5/5/1821
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    Charles Darwin, an English naturalist wast born on 2/12/1809 an died on 4/19/1882
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    Karl Marx was a German philosopher that was born 5/5/1818 and died 3/14/1883
  • Fig Newton

    Fig Newton
    Fig Newtons are a cookie created in 1891
  • Franz Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand was Austria Hungarian royalty who was born 12/18/1863 and was assassinated 6/28/1914 which caused world war 1
  • Rasputin

    Rasputin was a Russian imperial figure that had heavy influence on Russia and was born 1/21/1869 and died via assassination 12/30/1916
  • Czar Nicolas II

    Czar Nicolas II
    Czar Nicolas II was the last emperor of Russia. he was born 5/18/1868 and died via assassination 7/17/1918
  • Lenin

    Lenin was the head of the soviet government from 1917-1924 he was born 4/22/1817 and died 1/21/1924
  • General George S. Patton

    General George S. Patton
    General George S. Patton was a general in the u.s army that commanded the u.s seventh army. he was born 11/11/1885 and died 12/21/1945
  • Gandhi

    Gandhi an Indian lawyer and political figure was born 10/2/1869 and died via assassination 1/30/1948
  • The day queen Elizabeth was crowned

    The day queen Elizabeth was crowned
    The day that Queen Elizabeth the 2nd was crowned at the age of 27
  • Bill and Ted In class threatened by failing

    Bill and Ted In class threatened by failing
    Bill and Ted are threatened by failing their high school history class if they do not pass their final project.
  • Chuck Norris

    Chuck Norris
    Chuck Norris is a Martial artist and actor he was born 3/10/1940