
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
  • Shaun Alexander

    Shaun Alexander
  • Steve Nash

    Steve Nash
  • Alex Rdoriguez

    Alex Rdoriguez
  • Albert Puljols

    Albert Puljols
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    President of 2005
  • The Day I was Born

    The Day I was Born
    The Day I was born was September 7, 2005
  • The day I started basketabll

    The day I started basketabll
    I was one of the best players in my age group.
  • My favorite food

    My favorite food
    I love mac and cheese
  • The Day I was in preschool

    The Day I was in preschool
    I was able to sleep most of the time and I got a lot of achievements.
  • The day I started baseball

    The day I started baseball
    I was one of the best players of my age.
  • Hurricane Sandy

    Hurricane Sandy
  • The day I started elementary school

    The day I started elementary school
    It was the worst 6 years ever.
  • The day I got my first trophy

    The day I got my first trophy
    It was a day I will never forget.
  • The day I joined a travel baseball team

    The day I joined a travel baseball team
    I was the best on the team.
  • I was figuring out what I wanted to do when I get older

    I was figuring out what I wanted to do when I get older
    I wanted to be an athlete while owning a business.
  • Hurricane Matthew

    Hurricane Matthew
  • Hurricane Harvey

    Hurricane Harvey
  • The Day I started Middle School

    The Day I started Middle School
    I thought it was gonna be a struggle and then it got first honors.
  • The day I told this kid he's a winner

    The day I told this kid he's a winner
    It changed his life for the better.