
  • The Legend Begins Continued

    More recently the legend has not been so popular, but looking at why it was in the late 1900s can be some explanation to why there is a bill currently being proposed in Oklahoma that would allow for the capture of such creature. For some the significance of finding Bigfoot never died down and they still believe that artifacts like these exist to prove it.
  • The Legend Begins

    Bigfoot has been something for people to talk about since the 1950s. With people having claimed to see Bigfoot all over the country there are not nearly as many photos or artifacts to back up those claims. In the 60s and 70s the ape like creature was a much more popular subject causing people to doubt photos and evidence very quickly, but also convincing some people to spend years in the woods hunting.
  • Historical Context

    For some people hunting or finding Bigfoot is not just a passion, but also a lifestyle. People are willing to dedicate years of their lives to finding the creature so I wanted to research some artifacts of Bigfoot to find out why? I quickly saw how just a reported sighting can create so much interest for people and how videos or things like footprints can make it so much more intense. People clearly believe strongly in the creature and have for many years and these artifacts will show you why.
  • Early on Sighting

    Early on Sighting
    This artifact is a screenshot I took from the Patterson/ Gimlin film. This is a video of what people believed to be Bigfoot which was taken in 1967 in Northern California. When Gimlin was in the densely wooded forest his camera caught a figure that appeared to be some sort of strange ape. Once it was released to the public it became heavily analyzed and caused a lot of speculation. Some say it is similar to videos of ghosts and some think of it a real proof that Bigfoot exists.
  • Early on Sightings pt.2

    This video shows me how much a video like this one can cause people to believe so strongly in a possibly mythical creature such as Bigfoot. To some this is real proof and to others it means nothing so it really is up to the audience to decide what this means.
  • Mysterious Hairs Found

    Mysterious Hairs Found
    In 1977 Director Peter Byrne sent in a sample of "about 15 hairs attached to a tiny piece of skin" (Little 2019). Around this time Bigfoot was a very popular topic and people were quick to grab onto anything that could prove the beasts existence. Although the hairs were deemed to be of deer family origin this is still a significant moment for those who strongly believe in Bigfoot since the FBI was even willing to entertain the idea that a Bigfoot may exist.
  • Letter From the FBI

    Letter From the FBI
    This is a letter that was sent back to Byrne along with the hairs confirming the date of the artifact. People have had speculations about the FBI having a file on Bigfoot for a few years before these hairs were sent in. When an investigator took the time to analyze the hairs it gave the public ideas that the file in question is in fact real and that may mean that Bigfoot is real as well.
  • Pennsylvania Sighting

    Pennsylvania Sighting
    This is a photo that was surfaced in 1980 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. It is what appears to be a footprint that measured to be "17 and three-quarter inches long and seven and a half inches wide" (Margaritoff 2021). Although most sightings occurred on the west coast around this time Pennsylvania also has quite a few throughout the years. The first sighting of Bigfoot in Pennsylvania was reported in 1958, but this footprint was the most convincing evidence that they had.
  • Pennsylvania Sighting pt. 2

    The footprint being isolated in the forrest, but relatively close to someone's house was very eery and caused the public to speculate. After the footprint surfaced people claimed that there was an unfamiliar smell and bizarre noises coming from the area. This commotion caused a nearby newspaper to report on the incident resulting people to believe that these were facts of the creatures existence. Sightings and photos like this one is what caused so many believers around the country.
  • Recent Bill

    A bill has been filed in Oklahoma that will allow for a Bigfoot hunting season. With all of these sightings and stories going far back into history a chunk of the population has now become very serious about finding Bigfoot. The primary reason for this bill is to draw in tourists, but for some residents it is a lot more than just that.
  • Bigfoot Map

    Bigfoot Map
    This map is supposed to show how many sightings of Bigfoot there have been around the country and in each state.
  • Sources

    Godfrey, Ed. “A Bigfoot Hunting Season in Oklahoma? Here's Why a Lawmaker Filed This Unusual Bill.” The Oklahoman, Oklahoman, 23 Jan. 2021,
  • Sources

    Little, Becky. “Bigfoot Was Investigated by the FBI. Here's What They Found.”, A&E Television Networks, 6 June 2019, Blitz, Matt. “People Say They've Seen Bigfoot - Can We Really Rule Out That Possibility?” Popular Mechanics, 10 Mar. 2021,
  • Sources

    Blitz, Matt. “People Say They've Seen Bigfoot - Can We Really Rule Out That Possibility?” Popular Mechanics, 10 Mar. 2021, Margaritoff, Marco. “'I Know What I Saw': 8 Alleged Encounters With Bigfoot That'll Give You Chills.” All That's Interesting, All That's Interesting, 13 Apr. 2021,