Big Business & the West Timeline

  • First oil well is drilled, Pennsylvania

    First oil well is drilled, Pennsylvania
    Edwin Drake drilled the first oil well. He did it in Titusville, Pennsylvania. It was the first commercial oil well that looked for oil.
  • Transcontinental railroad is completed

    Transcontinental railroad is completed
    It would be the first time the west and the east linked railroads. People did not have to take the dangerous wagon journey anymore. The union pacific and central pacific railroads combined.
  • Rockefeller founds Standard Oil

    Rockefeller founds Standard Oil
    Rockefeller form the most dominant oil company to exist. He hated his competitors so he bought their companies to keep his prices high
  • Bell patents telephone

    Bell patents telephone
    This invention was one of the greatest because it made it more efficient to communicate with others.
  • First telephone on White House

    First telephone on White House
    This is very important because the president of the US can speak to people faster so that everything is more efficient.
  • Edison perfects incandescent light bulb

    Edison perfects incandescent light bulb
    This is very important because now people can use these instead of wasting fuel on lamps.
  • Railroads set up standard time zones

    Railroads set up standard time zones
    This is good so that trains do not have accidents as often because of time.
  • First electric trolley line, Richmond, VA

    First electric trolley line, Richmond, VA
    This is helpful to people in Richmond because there is a new form of transportation
  • Sherman Antitrust Act is passed

    Sherman Antitrust Act is passed
    This helped in the beginning a little but bribes made this law very weak and barely enforced.
  • Carnegie Steel Company is formed

    Carnegie Steel Company is formed
    Carnegie's steel company was the top of the steel industry in Philadelphia. He also had a monopoly because hated having competitors.
  • J.P. Morgan forms U.S. Steel

    J.P. Morgan forms U.S. Steel
    J.P. Morgan owned a major banking company and formed the U.S. Steel with his money. He also formed a monopoly by buying other competitors businesses.