Big Business and the west timeline

  • Rockefeller founds Standard Oil

    Rockefeller founds Standard Oil
    John D. Rockefeller-
    Oil needed to be refined to become kerosene
    Eliminated competition, built Standard Oil Company of Ohio
  • transcontinental railroad is completed

    transcontinental railroad is completed
    the railroads developed into a big business controlled by a few powerful men. The economy of the United States benefited from the railroads.
  • Bell patents telephone

    Bell patents telephone
    Scottish born teacher of the deaf
    1876- tests his “talking machine”
    People see it as a toy at first
    Created the Bell Telephone Company in 1885
    Pace of business booms
    Bell wanted to translate actual voices
    Bell sat into once room and his assistance sat in the other room with the receiver.
  • First telephone on White House

    First telephone on White House
    President Herbert Hoover was the president when the first phone came in.
  • Edison perfects incandescent light bulb

    Edison perfects incandescent light bulb
    Thomas Edison​ invent the light bulb. First in NYC
    Supplied electricity to businesses and homes in a district
    Replace steam powered engines with electric engines
  • Railroads set up standard time zones

    Railroads set up standard time zones
    railroad lines needed a new time plan that would offer a uniform train schedule for departures and arrivals.
  • First electric trolley line, Richmond, VA

    First electric trolley line, Richmond, VA
    The North American English use of the term "trolley" instead of "tram" for a street railway vehicle derives from the work that Sprague did in Richmond and quickly spread elsewhere.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act is passed

    Sherman Antitrust Act is passed
    The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was the first measure passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit trusts.
  • Carnegie Steel Company is formed

    Carnegie Steel Company is formed
    Andrew Carnegie. The Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie was the leader of the American steel industry from 1873 to 1901. He donated large sums of his fortune to educational, cultural, and scientific institutions.
  • J.P. Morgan forms U.S. Steel

    J.P. Morgan forms U.S. Steel
    Jp morgan formed the US steel and uses monopoly​ so that there is no competition
  • First oil well is drilled, Pennsylvania

    First oil well is drilled, Pennsylvania
    Edwin Drake was the first person to strike oil in America. His world-famous well was drilled in Titusville, PA, a small town in Crawford County.