Big Business- 2018

  • First Oil Well Drilled in Pennsylvania

    First Oil Well Drilled in Pennsylvania
    George Bissell and Edwin L. Drake made the first successful use of a drilling rig on a well drilled especially to produce oil.
  • Transcontinental Railroad is Completed

    Transcontinental Railroad is Completed
    The golden spike was driven at Promontory, Utah, signaling that the first transcontinental railroad has been completed.
  • Bell Patents Telephone

    Bell Patents Telephone
    American inventor Alexander Graham Bell tested his telephone in 1876, calling his assistant to say "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you." Alexander recieved a patent for the telephone he had created.
  • First telephone in White House

    First telephone in White House
    President Hayes made the White House's first telephone installed in the telegraph room. He let the new technology embrace him but her rarely ever received calls.
  • Edison Perfects Incandescent Light Bulb

    Edison Perfects Incandescent Light Bulb
    Thomas Edison used a filament of the carbonized cotton thread, making the buld run for at least 13.5 hours, later he was able to get the build to last 40 hours max.
  • Railroads Set Up Standard Time Zones

    Railroads Set Up Standard Time Zones
    The operators of the railroad system needed a well-made time plan for all the departures and arrivals. This is when the four time-zones where introduced to the US.
  • First Electric Trolley Lines

    First Electric Trolley Lines
    The Richmond Union Passenger Railway, in Richmond, Virginia, was the first electrical tram system and set a pattern for most to the trolleys around the world. But the Richmond system was not the first attempt to operate the these trolleys.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act is Passed

    Sherman Antitrust Act is Passed
    This is the first Federal act that had outlawed monopolistic (exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade) business practices. This was also the first measure passed by Congress to prohibit trusts.
  • Carnegie Steel Company is Formed

    Carnegie Steel Company is Formed
    A steel producing company primarily created by Andrew Carnegie and several close associates, to manage businesses at steel mills in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. Sold in 1901 to J.P Morgan.
  • Rockefeller Founded Standard Oil

    Rockefeller Founded Standard Oil
    An Ohio businessman, John D. Rockefeller, entered the oil industry in the 1860's but had founded standard oil in the 1870's along with a few business partners.