Edwin Hubble
American Scientist, he proposed and proved that there were other galaxies and also proved the galaxies were, in fact, moving away from us because of color change(red shows it is moving away and blue shows it is moving closer) -
1915 Gravitational relativity
Albert Einstein made a theory that stated that large objects create a distortion also known as gravity -
Alexander Friedmann
After he became familiar with Gravitational Relativity theory he then realized that the Universe is expanding and educated himself about certain theories that led him enlighten himself -
Georges Lemaître
He came up with a theory based on the discoveries of various scientists including Einstein in 1927 -
Cosmic Background Radiation, Robert Woodrow Wilson and Arno Penzias
Cosmic Background Radiation is a remnant of the Big Bang Theory and is part of the heat that got left over. It was found in 1965 by both Scientists and showed how the Big Bang occurred. -
Hubble space telescope
the telescope can see better than most telescopes and sees infrared