2166 BCE
God's Promise To Abraham.
God promised that Abraham would have as many children as the stars in the sky. -
1728 BCE
Joseph Sold Into Slavery.
Joseph's brother's were jealous that he was the favorite, so they threw him into a well then sold him into slavery. -
1446 BCE
The Passover.
The Passover happened when the angel of death was passing from house to house, and the Israelites put sheep blood on their doorframes so their firstborns would not die. -
1446 BCE
The Ten Plagues And Exodus.
The Ten Plagues are: The Nile River turned to blood, an infestation of frogs, followed by gnats and flies, disease, boils, hail, locusts, unending darkness, and then the death of all firstborns. -
1446 BCE
God Parts The Red Sea.
The Egyptians were chasing the Israelites till the Red Sea, then God parted the sea which allowed the Israelites to cross. -
1445 BCE
The Ten Commandments.
The Ten commandments are: You shall not commit adultery, Keep the Sabbath holy, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet, You shall not make idols, Honor your mother and father, and you shall not kill. -
1445 BCE
Wandering in the wilderness.
The Israelites wandered the wilderness for forty years after they escaped Egypt. -
1406 BCE
Settling Canaan.
They were promised the land of Canaan by God, and took it when they invaded after leaving slavery in Egypt. -
1100 BCE
Gideon served as the fifth major judge over Israel. He destroyed an altar to the pagan god Baal, earning him the name Jerub-Baal, meaning contender with Baal. Gideon united the Israelites against their common enemies and through God's power, defeated them. -
1085 BCE
He was captured, blinded, and enslaved by the Philistines, but in the end God granted Samson his revenge; through the return of his old strength, he demolished the great Philistine temple of the god Dagon, at Gaza, destroying his captors and himself.