Bhabesh'a US history timeline

  • Oct 11, 1492

    columbus lands in the americas

    columbus lands in the americas
    Christopher Columbus lands in north america thinking he had reached india, he clamed the land under spain and cristianity. He then enslaved the Native Americans and killed over 3 milllion of them, the entire population of the tainos, a clan living on an island off the cost of north america.
  • Nov 23, 1497

    John Cabot's journy

    Columbus’ journy inspired John Cabot to try and sail to asia using Columbus’ route, in 1497 John Cabot sailed west across the atlantic. he landed in new land in an island of the coast of canada/new france. he then claimed it for England.
    John Cabot, like Columbus though he had landed in asia. later england took all of north america becuse of the flag planted by cabot in 1497.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    cortes conquers mexico

    In 1519 Hernan cortes arived in mexico with hourses and 500 soldiers. This is where he heard about the powerful Aztecs that rule most of mexico, when him and his men reached the capital they were amazed.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Jacques Cartier discovers new france

    in 1534 france sent Jacques Cartier to find an all water route past the Americas, in order to have a faster water route to asia. although Jacques Cartier failed to find this path, he landed in North America and claimed it for france (right now it is known as canada). In new france they discover that there was a lot of beavers, and in europe beaver fur hats were very popular and people would pay alot to get the beaver pelts.
  • Nov 23, 1534

    French and the native

    The french became partners with the natives, they were partners in economy and military. the french would help the native in battle with their enemies
  • Jan 1, 1565

    Oldest permanent European settlement in the United States.

    St. Augustine was originaly a fort build by the spanish to protect their claims in florida. The oldest permanent European settlement in the United States.
  • the first colony at james town

    the first coloniests at jams town setteled in a area were they though they could defend them self easly from natives, what they didnt know is that the area was swarming with malaria infected mosqitos
  • west indian compony and the Dutch colony in america

    in 1621, the dutch started a west indian company in order to forme a colony in north america.
    The colonists quickly found out that they could make a lot of money from fur trade so they made trading posts around the hudson river.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The king of Brittan said that they could not afford to fight anymore, so the colonist would not cross the appalation mountains to avoid contact with the native americans. This caused many problems however, because the farmers said that all the fertile soil is on the other side.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The British parlement past a new law in 1735, this law was called the Stamp Act. The law stated that for every peice of paper the colonists bought, they had to put a stamp on it. There for the over all price was increased, they said it was unfair and yelled "no taxestion with put represntation"
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    Brittan no longer wanted to fund the soldiers that support the Colonies, so they made the Quarting Act. This law stayted that citizens must provide a house plus food and drinks such as beer to all british troops.
  • Townshed Act

    Townshed Act
    The British parliment passed a new law that stayted that all imported goods now have taxes on them. The coloniest reacted peacfully by boycotting all British goods.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The British parlement past the tea act in 1773, this law was the Townshed act, but all taxes other then the one on tea was removed. The colonies sill rebeled and it wasnt that the tea was to expencive now but more that they were being told what to do and didnt like it.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The King was furius at the colonists for what they had done to his tea, now he was going to toke full controle of Massachusets so he made a nimber of rules known as the Intolerable Acts. The coloists named the set of rules this because of he harshness of them, one of them was that the Boston Harbour would bo closed to everyone. now they had no way of trading goods.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    spys alerted the british about the colonies secret stash of gunpowder and weapons in concord. The british troops while traveling to Concord were stopped by the militia in Lexington, who made the first shot noboady knows. whar we do know is that after the first stop people were fireing rappidly and about 10 colonist were dead.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    The second continental congress met in Philadelphia on May 10th 1775, the first matter to desguss was who would lead the New England army. When John Adams suggested that they make a Continental Army, lead by George Washington.
  • The Battle at Bunker Hill

    The Battle at Bunker Hill
    The battle of bunker hill was actuly fought on the breed hill next to the bunker hill, around 100 militiamen were armed with guns in a fort on breed hill. they paitiantly waited till the 2,000 british troops marched up the hill, thats when the militia fired 3 rounds of bullets. this caused the militia to retreat, because all the gunpower they had was lost, however they killed around 1000 men. The colonies also lost 500 of their soldiers.
  • The Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition
    The olive brance petition was a peace letter send on to king George on July 1775, this letter was meant to be a peacefull way of comunicating with the british. However when the King got the letter it was to late, he already though of the colonist as savages and traiters.
  • Battle of NewYork

    Battle of NewYork
    The brittish met up with the Americans at Brooklen, NewYork. The Americans were there trying to protect their land from the brittish troops, they started of with high hopes, however when they fough the Americans were no match for the british troops. The brittish won with ease becasue they have a lot more troops and they are better trained and equipted.
  • The Siege of Boston

    The Siege of Boston
    The continental army had formed a barrier of soldiers armed with canons and other weapons all around the state of Boston. This was to get the British empier to leave Boston and the colonies/states alone. When the british saw that the milita would have clearly won they desided to avoid a bloodbath and retreat to canada.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The declaration of independence was a formal "break up" letter telling britan that the United colonies had officialy decided to separate from the british. This letter was then signed by the 12 colonies (newyork did not sign), and sent to King George to give the colonies the freedom they well deserved.
  • Victory at Trenton

    Victory at Trenton
    Washington ordered his men to attack Trenton. The Americans made their way to Trenton going through and Icey water. The American soldiers were very tired and in need of modivation, thats when George Washington read the words of Thomas Pain from his pamphet The Crisis. Soon afterwords they arived at land and attact the british mencenariresm this victory kept the Americans people going.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The British soldiers wer moving to Saratoga Springs toward Philadaelphia. The area was swarming with militias, the British were outnumbered.Burgoyne ordered his troops to attack again & again but were beaten by the rebels. Burgyone then accepted a defeat at Saratoga. This Victory marked as a turning point of the war and after the victory. The French became an ally of the United States.
  • Yorktown

    Cornwallis was tired of his army being chased by the Colonists. He decided to put his troops at Yorktown. The French now have arrived to support the Continental Army. He then used the French and his own army to set a trap at Yorktown. The French warship also came in to a a harbour near Yorktown and British hopes of support & rescue from British Navy is over. Cornwallis then surrendered.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Shay's Rebellion was caused when shay was put in jail for not paying his dept. shay was a farmer who borrowed money in order to probide food for the army durring th erevolution. Other farmers were outraged and started a series of violent protest i wich they burned down buldings and killed.
  • Articals of Confederation

    Articals of Confederation
    The Articals of Confederation were articles or documents that stated the laws of the government. The Articals of Confederation also layed out the divition of power between the national and state government. The Articals of Confederation soon proved that they could not support the US becuse they did not grant the national government enough power.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    On the 25 of may the constitutional convention met for the first time in the east room of the pennsylvania stte house (independecne hall). 55 delegates from 12 states came to the convention.
  • Ratification of the U.S. Constitution

    Ratification of the U.S. Constitution
    The Ratification of the U.S. Constitution dettermined wether or not it would be used, 9 of 13 states had to agree for the Ratification of the U.S. Constitution to be final.
  • The louisiana purchase

    The louisiana purchase
    Durring this time, france and bittan were at the brink of war. Naplolian desided that it as safer then to sell Louisiana to the U.S then to loose it in war. On April 30, 1803 Monroe signed a treaty giving louisiana to the U.S for $15 million.
  • Lousisan Purchase

    Lousisan Purchase
    In 1819 a letter was sent to florida stating that they should ether govern the country properly or get out. Spain being scared of war desided to give up Florida to the U.S. The U.S payed $5 Million to Spain to pay of the settelers charge.
  • one issue that upset Northerners

    Confronting the issue of slavery- missouri applied for statehood as a slave state. In 1819 the number of slave states and free states were equal at 11 to 11, wich meant that missouri aplling as a slave state would upset the balence. The northeners were very upset beacuse of this, if missouri was allowed in as a slave state then they would loose power. They did not want slavery at all let alone on their teritory.
  • one issue that upset Southerners

    Confronting the issue of slavery-The Tallmadge Amendment proposed that Missouri be admitted as a free state.
    In 1819 when the issue of Missouri came to congress, James Tallmadge stated that Missouri be allowed to enter the United States of America if and only if they are a free state. The southerners responded with anger, they said "what right does congress have to deside wether or not a state shall be free, that choise belongs to the people and the people alone".
  • The Indian Removel Act

    The Indian Removel Act
    In 1830 Congress passed the Indian Removel Act that allowed president Jackson to make a treaty with the native americans for their land. A letter was sent to get the native to leave willingly, if they resisted then they were punished unfairly.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Although not everyone supported the removal of the natives, it was still continued. More then 17,000 Cherokee were draged from their homes in Gorgia and herded west by federal troops.
  • Texas is Annexed

    Texas is Annexed
    After Texas had its fight with Mexico it had been independent for 10 years, however after that period of time the U.S thought that it would be the smartest move to annex Texas. The only problem was that this could risk war with Mexico, despite that the U.S annexed Texas and in 1845 it was added to the U.S as the 28th state.
  • second issue that upset Northerners

    The comprimise satisfises no one- The fugative law.
    The northeners wanted to help free the slaves but the law made it a lot harder, it also allowed the south to come to there land and take any black man at will.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War, a war within the USA between the north and the south. The Civil War started in 1861 and lasted 4 years, then it finaly ended in 1865. The main reason that the USA split up into two groups, the Union(north) and the Confederat(south), is salavery. The north dispised it; the south lived of it, so they split. And the civil war was in the making.
  • Second issue that upset Southerners

    From comprimise to crisis- Attack on the arsenal.
    whne brown attacked the south arsenal, it was like a trigger on the south. They violently and imedietly attacked and captured brown, he was sentenced to death for terririsom. This was one of the major impacts that caused the US to split