Nazi germany

Between the Wars - Social

By ARS2016
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    A Treaty that Ended the First World War, and MAjorly hit Germany, as they Took Blame for all acts of WW1.
  • League of Nations Established

    League of Nations Established
    The League of Nations was Established as a Saftey Net to Prevent Future Wars. It's flaw was the U.s. Not Joining and Germany Prohibited to Join.
  • Ghandi's Nonviolent Resistance

    Ghandi's Nonviolent Resistance
    Nonviolent Protests in an Attempt to free India from British Rule.
  • Colonial Unrest in S. Africa

    Colonial Unrest in S. Africa
    South Africa Demanded to be freed from British Colonial Rule.
  • Nuremburg Law's

    Nuremburg Law's
    Laws Legislated by Hitler that Limited Jews Rights, such as they Cannot Marry Germans
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    The Pact that Joined together the Two Main Faschist Powers, HItler's Germany, and Mussolini's Itaily.
  • Kristallnacht

    An Order by Hitler to Destroy all Jewish Buisnesses and Synagouges.
  • German-Soviet Nonaggresion Pact

    German-Soviet Nonaggresion Pact
    A Short-Lived Pact between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia to not Attack eachother, this Pact Ended when Hitler's Troops were ordered to invade Russia.
  • Tripartite Act

    Tripartite Act
    An Alliance between Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and the Empire of Japan.