War planes

Between the Wars: Military

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty that ended wwI. Germany was heavily punished and potentially the treaty caused wwII
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    Washington naval conference

    disarmament meeting involving many nations. it resulted in a few treaties.
  • Kellogg-Briand pact

    European nations agreed to not use war to resolve conflict
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    Japan invades manchuria

    The Japanese invaded and occupied China until the end of wwII
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    Long march (china)

    Military retreat by the communist party of china from the nationalist party of china.
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    Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invaded what is now ethiopia. Founding of Italian East Africa.
  • Germany occupies the Rhineland

    Hitler ordered German troops to occupy the Rhineland. He expected french opposition because he was breaking the terms of the Treaty of Versailles but this did not happen
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    Spanish Civil War

    Civil war between the loyalists and the nationalists. The nationalists led by Francisco Franco won.
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    Japan invades china

    Total war between the two nations started in 1937 and ended with japans surrender in 1945
  • Munich Conference

    Germany was allowed to annex areas of Czechoslovakia.
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    Rome/Berlin Axis

    Military alliance of Italy Germany and Japan
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    Germany invades Poland

    invasion that marked the beginning of wwII in europe
  • Tripartite Pact

    established the axis powers as a military alliance