between the wars

By lauren1
  • the treaty of versailles is signed

    The treaty of versailles ends world war one and imposes heavy reparations payments on germany.
  • the washington conference held

    the united states converse the washington conference attended by brittain, france, italy, belgium and the neverlands, china,japan and portugal the conference results in a naval armaments treaty that sets a ratio for tonnage of capital ships (over 10,000) tons, with guns bigger than eight inches,for great britain the us japan france and italy. the ratio agreed upon , in that order 5:5:3:1:6:7:1:6:7 november 1920
  • Nazi germany

    The rise of Nazi Germany was the capstone of the inter-war period, and led to the outbreak of World War II, shattering the tenuous peace. The nazi regime's progress was paralleled by the life of its leader, adolf hitler. born in a small town in Austria, hitler dreamed of being an artist. november 1920
  • the first meeting of league nations

    the assembly of the league of nations meets for the first time. in geneva, switzerland. november 1920
  • benito mussolini is made italian premier

    king victor emmanuel declares mussolini premier in an attempt to heal off violent conflict between the fascist and the communist. october 30 1922
  • the invention of Rocketry

    as a middle age man in the mid-1920's Robert Goddard achieved the first test flight of liquid-fueled rocket, from his aunts farm in auburn, massachusetts. the rocket flew 12.5 meters 41 feet in the air.
  • the invention of television

    early television was used a mechanical system disk to scan an image. the television system would not be able to scan and assemble images multiple times a second. only an electronic system would do that. in 1922 the 16 year old farnsworth worked out a plan for such a system, but is wasn't until 1927 that he made the first electronic television transmission, a horizontal line. 1927
  • the great depression

    the great depression was the worst economic downturn in history. it began after the stock market crash of october 1929, which sent wall street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors. by 1933,when the great depression reached its lowest point, some 15 million americans were unemployed and nearly half the country's banks had failed. 1930
  • the german reichstag passes the enabling act

    the enabling gives hitler the power to decrease the states of the law.
  • the invention of the computer

    john atanasoff designed the first electronic digital computer. It would use binary numbers (base 2, in which all numbers are expressed with the digits 0 and 1), and its data would be stored in capacitors. In 1939 he and his student Clifford Berry began building the Atanasoff-Berry Computer