Frances Willard
American educator reformer and founder of the Worlds Woman's Christian Temperance Union. She was a leader of the national prohibition party. -
William Jennings Bryan
Was an American orator and politician from Nebraska. He became a dominant force in the democrats. He was called the Great Commoner. -
Henry Ford
He was the founder of Ford Motor Company and sponsor of assembly line and technique of mass production. He developed and manufactured the first automobile that many people could afford. -
Federal Reserve System
Is the main banking system in the United States. It was created on December 23 1913. It was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. -
Marcus Garvey
He helped black nationalism and pan africanism movements. He founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League. He advanced a philosophy known as Garveyism. In 1918 he published the newspaper Negro World. -
Prohibition and the 18th amendment
This amendment prohibited the manufacturing transportation and sale of alcohol within the United States. -
1st Red Scare
The red scare started after WWI and the Russian revolution. The U.S. feared communists, socialists, and anarchists. After a series of bombings in Russia from communists, the U.S. began to live in fear. -
Warren G. Harding's "Return to Normalcy"
A return to the way of life before World War I United States Warren G Hardings campaign slogan for the election of 1920. -
Jazz Music
A genre of music that originated in New Orleans characterized by rhythmic patterns. Jazz music was introduced in the Harlem Renassaince. -
The Great Migration
The movement of 6 million African Americans to the west and Northeast. The 1920's is when the African Americans started taking over the white communities. -
Harlem Renaissance
Lasting roughly from the 1910s through the mid-1930s the period is considered a golden age in African American culture, in literature, music, stage performance and art. -
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
The tea pot dome scandal was a scandal that occurred during the rein of President Harding. The scandal involved the transfer of the tea pot dome oil reserve to the department of the navy and the department of interior in 1921. It will always be thought to have been linked to government corruption and would show the power of Americans policies and the influence of oil. -
Clarence Darrow
American lawyer a leading member of the ACLU and Geologist economic reform. In 1924 he defended the thrill killers Leopold and Loeb for murdering 14-year-old Bobby Franks. -
Social Darwinism
Product of natural selection of those persons best suited to existing living conditions. A position in where laissez- faire -
Scopes Monkey Trial
American legal case in 1925 with a substitute teacher was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler act. The act made it unlawful to teach human evolution in any state funded school, -
Langston Hughes
Langston hughes was a poet novelist and playwright. He published his first book in 1926. He wrote way more poetry prose and plays. -
Charles A. Lindbergh
Won the Orteig prize by making a non stop flight from New York to Paris. He covered a 3,600 mile distance with this plane. In 1932 they abducted his infant son and killed him. -
Stock Market Crash Black Tuesday
Was the most devastating stock market crash in history in the USA. It started the Great depression. -
The Great Depression
Following the stock market crash many banks begun to fail. This caused a worldwide panic, resulting in The Great Depression. It lasted mainly in the 30's -
The Dust Bowl
Because of the prolonged drought and poor farming techniques theres was a huge storm of "dust". The Dust Bowl affected many states especially Texas Oklahoma and Kansas. It ruined homes and businesses for many individuals. -
The New Deal
The new deal was created in 1933 by FDR. He created this program to help the economy get back and going following the Great Depression. It consisted of several government funded programs like the CCC FDIC and the FHA all of these helped the economy. -
"Relief, Recovery, Reform"
Were the ideas FDR thought of when he was in office. FDR had a plan called the New Deal which followed these 3 r's. He wanted to relieve those effected by the Great Depression to recover the economy and he wanted to reform so it can't reoccur. -
Elanor Roosevelt
Is known as the most outspoken women in the white house. She was married to FDR and was first lady of the White House. Roosevelt often fought for women rights, African American rights and helped WWI refugees. -
Franklin D Roosevelt
Was a political leader that served as the 32nd president of the U.S.. He was elected in 1933 and he retired in 1945. Following the Great Depression FDR was elected this gave him the idea for his New Deal. -
Civillian Conservation Corp CCC
Was a program in the U.S. that ran from 1933 to 1942. It was designed for unemployed, single men. Firstly only for ages of 18-25, they finally changed it to 17-28. -
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
The FDIC is a US program funded on June 16 1933. This was created to insure that if you make a deposit you will get your money back. It was made to prevent another Great Depression. -
21st amendment
States that the legal drinking age in the US is 21 instead of 18. It is significant because it ended prohibition. It was ratified on December 5 1933 -
Securities and Exchange Commission SEC
The US securities and exchange commission was founded on June 6 1934. This program was created to protect investors from fraud and other illegal activities. It was a part of FDR new deal. -
Social Security Administration
The SSA is a federal organization in the US. Its an organization where the government pay people money when they retire or have a disibility. -
1936 Summer Olympics
Occurred in a very intense political atmosphere. The Nazi party had risen to power causing many controversies. All the racial policies of the game, held in Berlin, caused a huge boycott of the olympics all together. -
Tin Pan Alley
Genre of American popular music. The name given to New York publishers who dominated the popular music of the United States -
20th amendment
Sets dates when government officials can be elected at a federal level. It also decided what would happen if the president passed away while in office. It was written in 1932 and was ratified in 1933