Between the wars

  • The Treaty Of Versailles Is Signed

    The Treaty of Versailles ended World War One and imposes heavy reparations payments on Germany.
  • The First Meeting Of The League Of Nations

    Adolf Hitler and General Ludendorf, lead a small contingent in an attempt at rebellion, for which hitler is in prisoned for 2 years.
  • The Washington Conference Is Held

    The United States ordered the Washington Conference, attended by Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Japan, and Portugal. The Conference results in a naval armaments treaty that sets a ratio for tonnage of capital ships for Great Britain, the US, Japan, France, and Italy.
  • The Locarno Pacts Are Signed

    The Locarno agreements are signed in efforts to stabilize relations with Germany and its neighbors. The agreements usher in a period of peace and prosperity.
  • Invention of rocketry

    As a young boy in the late 1890s, Robert Goddard was inspired by H.G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds and the possibilities of space travel.
  • Invention of television

    After the development of radio, the transmission of an image was the next logical step.
  • General Gyula Gombos Comes To Power In Hungary

    Gyula Gombos becomes prime minister, an office he uses like a dictatorship, setting the tone for Hungarian government during the remaining inter-war years.
  • Leon Blum's Popular Front Government Comes To Power In France

    The Popular Front, a leftist party, institute social law and allows wide public participation in the government, but ultimately fails to curtail the devalue economy.
  • Spanish Nationalists Bomb Guernica

    In response to Hitler's aggression in Eastern Europe, Britain and France decided to go to war with Germany in an attempt to stop Hitler's bid for global hegemony.
  • Britain And France Declare War On Germany

    In response to Hitler's continued aggression in Eastern Europe, Britain and France go to war with Germany and try to stop Hitler's bid for global hegemony.