Start of Soviet Union
Soviet Union The Soviet Union was created in Russia by the Bolshevik Party, they had created a communist country. They had become very powerful causing Germany to want to invade them too as they did Poland. So when war started they would be against Germany. -
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Early military actions and the response of the League of Nations-Italy invades Ethiopia, Japan's invasion of Manchuria
The league of nations was supossed to be the thing that prevented war. Though when Germany started to invade and destoyed things, they stayed in the background and did nothing to help until things were really bad. -
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The Weimar Republic
Weimar Germany timeline The weimar republic was once very strong but when it fell, it allowed for the Nazi groups to become more powerful. Building their power for war. -
Versailles Treaty
The Treaty of Versailles
This was treaty created after WW1 by France, Britian and America torwards Germany. The allies demanded that Germany pay 33 Billion dollars in reperations, limit their army to a 100,000 men and that they never be able to unite with Austria-Hungary. The germans didn't like this so they were already ready to fight. -
Mussolini takes over
Mussolini took over and introduce fascism to Italy. He started a movement torwards fascism and people soon followed him. He also used Nationalism to aid his Cause in turning Italy into a fascist state. He later on promised to fight alongside hitler aiding him with all of the destruction leading up to the war. -
The Beer Hall Pustch, Mein Kampf
The Beer Hall Putsch This is where Hitler tried to take control of the Bavarian government. He did this because he wasn't pleased with the Treaty of Versailles. After all of this Hitler was thrown in jail for attempted treason and this was important because at this time the german were banned togther in trying take over, therefore ready to cause trouble(war) whenever. -
Stalin gains power
Stalin Joseph was important to WW2 because he was one of the reasons for helping to end the war. He would help stop all of the destruction caused by germany. -
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Great Depression
Great Depression When the stock market crashed the world went to ruin after their many years of prosperity. Millions of people were losing their jobs by the minute, many people became homeless and couldn’t afford to keep themselves going.This was important because WW1 lead to the Great Depression and all of the bad things here lead into WW2. -
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Rise of Totalitarianism
Totalitarianism This started during the great depression,it included fascism and communism. It caused for more dictatorships and the states that were Totalitarian led to the start of WW2. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor
Adolf becomes Chancellor Hitler becoming Chancellor was huge for the start of WW2. He did nothing but conquer and destroy. He wanted Germany to comeback from WW1 and he tried until the point of causing another World War. -
Reichstag Fire
Reichstag Fire The reichstag fire is where Hitler got an advantage in the election because the Nazi's thought it was the soviets doing. So they thought war naturally and proclaimed Hitler to be the guy that could help them get justice. -
Nurmberg Laws
Nuremburg Laws These were the laws that distingused the Jewish people from the so-called prue German people. To which no one did anything about at the time and it led to the Holocaust. Taking things way to far and now needed to be interviened with. -
Sudetenland/ Appeasment
Sudetenland Sudetenland was once apart of Germany but was later tooken back because of WW1. The french and the Britian finally gave it up to Hitler because he told them that he would stop his wrong doings if he got the land. Though he lied and continued, causing them to get upset. -
Munich Conference
Munich Conference This conference was important because it was about the Sudetenland agreement between France/Britian and Germany. They were trying to protect themselves and after they gave it over, Hitler continued to hurt people. They thought it could stop the war but it only led to the world. -
Kristallnacht On this night the germans had went and burned down all of the jewish synagogues because of their pride. They were supposed to be non-violent abou this but weren't.They then took a turn for the worst and headed into war and during war the Holocaust came to be. -
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
German-Soviet This was an agreement between the Nazi's and Soviets to agree not to fight each other. Though the Nazi's didn't follow through and invaded Russia. Causing the pact to end. -
Invasion of Poland
Invasion of Poland This was the so called spark of world war 2 because germany had gone to far again. After germany invaded, France and Great Britian declared war on them begining WW2.