Start of the Soviet Union
Soviet Union This is basically a new government name for Russia. And it is basically a communist idea for Russia and promoted communism. -
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Rise in Totalitarianism-Facism, Nazism, Communism
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism is the belief of where a countries citizen should be completely controlled by their government. Mussolini held the Facism party of Italy. Hitler held the Facism party of Germany. Facism is basically having a really strict government ruled by a dictator. Nazism is Germanys form of government that follows Totalitarianism rules, Communism is when there is no personal posessions and everything is owned by the government. -
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The Weimar Republic
The Weimar Republic This was an organization that tried to stop the great depression from getting any worse. -
Mussolini takes over
Mussolini takes over Mussolini organizes a march in Rome led by prominent fascists. The king of Italy did not know what to do, and the prime minister resigned. That left a open spot for Mussolini and he got it, -
Beer Hall Putsch, Mein Kampf
Beer Hall Putsch They were aiming to seize control of the government, and then march on Berlin, and overthrow the German federal government -
Stalin gains power
Stalin gained power Joseph Stalin gained power and then completely changed their military and boosted everything about Russia -
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Great Depression
The Great Depression Time period when the economy was at its worst and left many unemployed. -
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Early military actions and the response of the league of nations-italy invades ethiopia, japan's invasion of manchuria
League of nations What happens here is that the league of nations isn't doing its job. All these places are being attacked and the league of nations isn't doing anything about it. They are betraying other countries by letting them be attacked. -
Hiltler becomes chancellor
Hitler becomes chancellor Originally, Hitler was not supposed to be the Chancellor. Franz von Papen was chosen instead. But he was soon replaced. To regain power, Franz von Papen decided that he should become a vice Chancellor and for Hitler to become Chancellor. Hindenburg agreed to the plan. -
Reichstag Fire
Reichstag fire the Reichstag building was burned down due to arson. The government portrayed the fire as part of a Communist effort to overthrow the state. -
Nuremberg laws
Nuremberg Laws These were laws that stopped Germans from doing anything that had to do with Jewish people -
Sudetenland/Appeasement Sudetenland was a territory that Germany had to give away. Hitler wamts the territory back so he sends German troops to the border of Germany and Sudetenland to intimidate them. And it worked. -
Munich Conference
Munich Conference Conference where the leaders of Great Britain, France, and Italy agreed to allow Germany to extend certain areas of Czechoslovakia. -
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Nazi pact This was an agreement saying that they will not attack eachother during a war. This helped Germany during the war because then they won't fight a two front war. This agreement was broken by the Germans about two years later. -
Invasion Of Poland
<a href='http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005070' >Invasion of Poland</ The invasion of Poland was an event when the Germans have invaded Poland with loads of weaponary. Then this attack lead up to be a war between Poland and Germany