Italian flag

Between the Wars: Italy 1919-1939

  • End of World War 1

    End of World War 1
    When the war ended it was a great losses of people.The peace treaty that officially ended the conflict—the Treaty of Versailles of 1919—forced harsh terms on Germany that were the blue prints for WW2.
  • Fascist Party

    Fascist Party
    Symbol of the party is the fasces, a bundle of sticks, symbolizes that society is individually weak, but collectively strong
  • Mussolini Rises to Power in Italy

    Mussolini Rises to Power in Italy
    Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was an Italian politician, journalist, and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling the country as Prime Minister
  • March on Rome

    March on Rome
    The threat of civil war in Italy loomed large and Mussolini and his fascist party decided to stage a coup despite knowing they were no match for the Italian army.
  • Press controlled

    Press controlled
    Radio controlled • Theater controlled • Film scripts approved, film studio opened, pro-fascist films given 100% government funding, government bought chain of theaters, controlled foreign films, foreign films dubbed, exported films not dubbed
  • The Lateran Pacts

    The Lateran Pacts
    The Lateran Pacts were agreements that recognized the Holy See as an independent state with powers of self-government and an option to establish diplomatic relations.
  • Italian-Abyssinian War

    Italian-Abyssinian War Italy captures lands in East Africa, causing a rift with the League of Nations (Allies). As a result, economic sanctions were turned against Italy, causing it to seek an alliance with Germany instead.
  • France England Italy condemn the German arms rush

    France England Italy condemn the German arms rush
    France would let Italy conquer Abyssinia if Italy would support France against Germany. The Italians army got ready to invade.
  • Nazi-Italian Treaty

    Nazi-Italian Treaty
    Treaty of friendship between Germany and Italy, laying the groundwork for the formation of the Axis Powers
  • Italian Conquest of Albania

    Italian Conquest of Albania

    After Hitler invades Czechoslovakia, Italy invades and conquers Albania. Italy had become a little worried of Germany at this point, perceiving that Germany is into there own interest but soon they made up and went on with their alliance
  • End of the global depression

    End of the global depression
    Many people agree that Italy did not suffer as much as other countries in the early 1930. One reason why Italy did not fall so hard was because of their leader, Mussolini. He had attempted to make Italy self-sufficient early on.