Book cover

Between Shades of Gray

By kt6712
  • World war 2

    World war 2
    when people were send to concentration camps they had no idea what was happening in the world except that there was a war. The main reason the war started was because of Hitler.
  • The vilkas family gets orderd out o0f their home

    The vilkas family gets orderd out o0f their home
    the NKVD police came entering the Vilkas residence telling then that they only had 20 minutes to pack all their clothing and things they need to survive harsh winters and long days of work.
  • New woman on the car

    New woman on the car
    when an old man tried to commit suiside they new he could not work enought for the soljers to be happy so they picked up a mother who just gave birth to a daughter and not 20 minutes later she was sitting in the back of a car ready to become a slave.
  • Finding the dad

    Finding the dad
    Lina and her brother Jonas try to find their dad that is in a different cattle cart and a boy named Andrius tags along to try to find his own father, but he wont acept the fact that his father is dead.
  • Time to take a shower

    Time to take a shower
    Finally after about 2 months being coverd in dirt they get to take a shower. After everybody gets done ona, the lady that had a baby, goes syco and ends up getting killed along with her baby from lack of food.
  • The first work site

    The first work site
    When they got to their first labor camp they had to stay in the same place as a mean girl. They had to work hard all day and only got 300 grams of bread to eat off of for the day. Mother always sacrificed her food to give to the children while starving herself.
  • Everybodys getting sick

    Everybodys getting sick
    Jonas was getting very sick and they need anything to help the boy, mostly for nutrients because he didnt get enought with 300 grams a day of bread.
  • The U.S.A.

    The U.S.A.
    After Japan bombed pearl harbor the united states decided to join the world war and become aliies with Great Britain and the Soviet union.
  • The jews

    The jews
    On january 1942 Hiter orderd that all of the jews were to be killed in Europe.
  • Time to move again

    Time to move again
    Everyone started to panik when they hear the work list. The list had all the names of people being deported to a different peice of land to work on. That meant that Lina would leave with her family but had to leave her boyfriend behind.
  • A new place

    A new place
    When they get to the new place they traveld to by ship they were told they had to build there on place to live before winter came.
  • Oh No..

    Oh No..
    After the cabin gets built a person becomes very ill, It was mother. They figured out that the reason she died was from lack of food because she gave it to everyone else.
  • A funeral

    A funeral
    People go out by the river in the sand to hepl barry mother so she can rest i peice and soon when its time to leave they will dig her up and take her back home.
  • They come back together

    They come back together
    After being away from Andruis for as long as she was over the sunset on the island she saw a shadow and it was Andruis
  • Anne Frank

    Anne Frank
    Anne frank and her family had to hide from the Nazi soljers and one day they were found and sent to concentration camps and eventually she ended up dieing in 1945
  • The end of world war 2

    The end of world war 2
    After the bombing on tokyo, Japan surrenders by signing a document saying they didnt want to be in the war anymore and that was the end of it