Jews were kicked out of their homes by Nazis
Lina, Mother, and Jonas were arrested by the NKVD, this forced them to pack their most important stuff and leave their home. -
Passengers were being sold in groups
Jonas, Mother, Lina and many other passengers arrive at the first Concentration Camp where the NKVD sells Jews. -
NKVD took the passengers to the bathhouse
Guards forced women to take their clothes off, so they could touch and look at them naked before they could be washed. -
David Warner, actor, celebrates his birthday. James Stephenson, actor, dies at 52 -
Proposed the agreement
Nazis forced Lina's mom, Elena and a few other women to sign the agreement which stated, that everyone agrees to be part of a collective farm, pay 200 rubles per person, and everyone is a criminal, which means they are sentenced to 25 years of hard labor. -
Threatened to sign the document
The Nazis of this camp, forced all of the passengers to sign the document. -
Jonas is sick
Jonas wakes up one morning with blotches on his back, they later find out that he is sick with a disease that has entered the camp, scurvy. -
Lina is asked to draw the commander
The commander wanted a picture drawn of him, so he could send it to his wife. In return, Lina received rations of food.The commander leaves for a minute and Lina notices that there is a file on his desk. She opens it, and sees the name of her father, Kostas Vilkas, in it. She steals the file. It is all in Russian so she asks her firend Andrius to translate. The file reveals that her father is in a prison in Krasnoyarsk. -
First British Minister
Winston Churchill becomes the first British Prime Minister to address a joint session of the US Congress. -
Leave Altai Labor Camp
The NKVD are collecting some of the people to be moved. Ulyushka gives them potatoes beets, and other food, an animal hide, and a pencil. Andrius leaves Lina with a beautiful stone he had found and directions to find the meaning of a Russian word. -
-12 Lancasters bomb MAN factory in Augsburg
-Operations begin to destroy Sobibor Concentration Camp
-POW French General Henri Giraud escapes from his castle prison in Festung Königstein. -
Siberia- switching it up
The train stops and the people are herded into a large building, where the NKVD bring them bread and mushroom soup. After a week, they are allowed to shower. They are put on a truck and after a couple hours they arrive on the banks of the Angara River. They wait there for more than a week and are fed barley porridge for strength. -
Lina hears about her father's death
Lina sees her mother talking wiith one of the guards, when the guard says something that makes her begin sobbing. The guard says her Father was shot in Krasnoyarsk prison. -
12th Day
12th day of battle at El Alamein: Scottish assault -
Mother dies
Mother has caught typhus. She is very weak and freezing. They heat bricks to warm her, but her teeth are chattering, she is trembling, and her lips are blue. Her breathing becomes increasingly labored. Mother looks up at Jonas, opens her mouth, then she falls back and her eyes fade to a hollow stare. They bury her on a hill by the Laptev Sea. -
Dr. Samodurov comes and helps the sick people
The whole camp is fighting scurvy, typhus, and dysentery. Jonas is nearly dead. A man named Dr. Samodurov comes to the camp to help the sick and wounded. They get good food and medicine. -
"Manifesto of Algerian People" calls for equality & self-determination, British 8th Army sweeps through North Africa to Tunisia and Van deer Veen Resistence starts fire in Amsterdam employment.