Betty Friedan

  • Feminine Mystique

    Feminine Mystique
    She handed out a survey that later led her to write Feminine Mystique. This event influenced her advocacy for gender equality because many believe that this started the second wave of feminism.
  • The start of NARAL

    The start of NARAL
    Friedan helped form NARAL and believed that abortion is a woman’s choice. This event influenced her advocacy for gender equality because she believed that an abortion shouldn't be considered a crime or a doctor's choice.
  • Women's Strike for Equality

    Betty organized this national strike to celebrate woman being able to vote. This event influenced her advocacy for gender equality because this nationwide strike was a huge success and expanded the feminist movement!
  • National Women's Conference

    Betty supported a lesbian rights resolution. I think this influenced her advocacy for gender equality because before she had been uncomfortable with homosexuality before. She had previously ignored it and thought that it was a separated issue from women's rights.
  • References

    Fox, M. (February 5th, 2006) Feminine Mystique.
    Friedan, B. (2001). The Start of NARAL. Life So Far: A Memoir. New York: Simon & Schuster.
    The Second Stage". NY Times. Retrieved March 9, 2018. Women’s Strike for Equality
    Friedan, B. (2001) National Women’s Conference. Life So Far: A Memoir. New York: Simon & Schuster. Photos