Elizabeth Phoebe Griscom (Betsy Ross) was born
On January 1, 1752, Betsy Ross was born. She was the eighth of seventeen. She was born into a quaker family with her parents known as Samuel and Rebecca Griscom. -
Betsy Ross began attending school.
During this time period is when she learned how to sew. She was 6 years old when she first started to attend. This is the beginning of her future career. -
Sewing Competiton
At the age of 10, Betsy entered a sewing competition. She recieved third place in the event. She had sewn a flag with ten stars, a moon, and the Liberty Bell. -
Betsy and John Ross start their upholstery business.
Betsy and John moved back to Pennsylvania. They had met in an upholstery shop. So naturally, they both thought it would be a good idea to start their own upholstery business. -
John Ross died
John Ross volunteered in the Pennsylvania militia and got injured. He died shortly after. This led to Betsy returning to the Quakers. -
Fighting Quakers
After the death of her spouse, Betsy returned to the Quaker's. She then joined the Fighting Quaker's. The Fighting Quaker's were a group who supported the war. -
Made the first U.S. Flag
Betsy spent long hours designing the flag. On this day, she finally sew it. It had 13 white stars in a circle with red and white stripes. -
Met George Washington.
Due to joining the Fighting Quaker's, Betsy Ross met George Washington. George Washington went over to her upholstery store. This meeting led to Washington asking Ross to make a flag. He wanted her to first design and then sew the new nation a flag. -
Society of Free Quakers
After the death of her first and secnd partner, Betsy settled down with John Claypoole. She and her husband returned to her Quaker roots. Together they joned the Society of Free Quakers. This was a group that supported the fight for freedom from British rule. -
Betsy Ross died
Betsy Ross died at the age of 84. -
Postage Stamp
In honor of Betsy Ross's birth, a Betsy Ross stamp was issued. The U.S. postal services issued this stamp in honor of her 200th biirth anniversary. The stamp was of Betsy sitting in a chair, sewing the flag with the company of the Commitee of Three. -
Betsy Ross Bridge
On April 30, 1976, the Betsy Ross Bridge was created. The bridge spans from Pennsylvania to New Jersey. It covers a length of 2568 meters and a height of 66 meters.