Betsy Ross was born in 1752, Philadalphia, Pennsylvania. -
The Ross' started their own upholstery business. -
Fighting Quakers
Betsy joined the "Fighting Quakers" -
USA flag
Betsy sewed the US flag. -
Newly Wedd
Betsy married John Ross.
At Hugg's Tavern Gloucester, New Jersey.
John however died in an explosion while guarding. -
Child 3
She gave birth to her third child. -
Newly Wed 2
Betsy married Joseph Ashburn who is her second husband after John died.(age 32) -
Child 2
Betsy had her 2nd child. -
Child 1
Betsy had her first child Zillah Ashburn but she died. (age 9 months) -
Newly Wed 3
Betsy married John Claypoole. Who is her third and final husband but died of an illness he had for twenty years. -
Betsy retired from the upholstery business. -
Betsy Ross died in 1836 Philadalphia. (age 84) -
Exhumed Remains
Betsy's remains were exhumed.