
Bethany Hamilton

  • Born

    Bethany Hamilton was born in Kauai, Hawaii on Feburary 8,1990. Kauai is an island in the state of Hawaii. She was born at Walcox memorial hospital.
  • Brothers

    Her brothers, Noah and Timmy, inspire Bethany by doing different things in life. Like doing boy sports even when she's a girl. They also make her laugh and smile even when she is down.
  • Parents

    Her parents, Tom and Cheri Hamilton, they are always there for her and supports her in what she wants. They give good advice and help her through the challenges she faces and has faced.
  • God

    Bethany would believe she won all her competions because God gave her talent. She also believed she got through the tough times without an arm because she believes she could do all things through christ that gave her strength.
  • Rell Sun Menehune

    Rell Sun Menehune
    In 1997, Bethany Hamilton was in Rell Sun Menehune compitition. She won first place.
  • Princess Diana Died

    Princess Diana Died
    On Augest 31, 1997, Princess Diana passed away in a car accident. Princess Diana was the princess of London. She ws just 36 years old. The car acident happened in Paris with her husband.
  • 911

    On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the U.S. The terrorists flew two of the planes into the sky scrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City. The buildings then crashed and killed many people.
  • Doing Things With One Arm

    Doing Things With One Arm
    Bethany Hamilton had to learn how to live without a left arm. It took her awhile to learn, but she learned and now she can love life with only her right arm.
  • Surfing Again

    Surfing Again
    After Bethany's accident with her arm, she didn't know if she could keep surfing. She was scared if she couldn't surf anymore. She got influence to surf again and then went out and surfed. She then started to surf and she kept surfing. She didn't let the shark attack stop her from her dreams.
  • Earthquake In Chillie

    Earthquake In Chillie
    The earthquack happened off the coast of Central Chillie. It had heavy shakes lasting for about three minutes. It was the sixth largest earthquacke ever to be recorded.
  • What She is Doing Now in Life

    What She is Doing Now in Life
    On 2011, in April, Bethany Hamilton had a movie about her life and was inspirational to many people. Still today she does many competitions. She also still lives in Kauai, Hawaii.
  • Terrifing Accident

    Terrifing Accident
    Bethany was 13 years old, she went to the ocean to surf and got attacked by a massive shark.It was a tiger shark that is 14-15 feet long that had attacked her. With feeling nothing and having no pain Bethany had lost her left arm.