The Bet!
Claire and Massie have a bet to see if Massica won't buy new clothes, and Claire won't repeat the same outfit for a month. -
Massie is 'Out'
Alicia calls Massie and tells her the news that Liz and Becca think Massie is 'out', and are having a halloween party. -
Massie & Claire
Massie and Claire make the decision to act like best friends infront of their parents so they can get whatever they want. -
Unfair for Claire!
The plan worked and Massie gets to host a Halloween party like she wants too- but she tricked Claire, who never got what she wanted. -
That's Life!
On a pumpkin picking field trip, Massie declared she wans going to host a better 'Halloweenie' party than Becca and Liz. Also, Kristen and Dylan begin to argue over a guy they both like. -
Party Planning
Claire and Massie party plan, and the theme of the party is "When Hell Freezes Over". Claire decided to get Massie back and write on the invites to R.S.V.P. to Massie, and call her anytime! -
Mall Troubles
The bet of not buying new clothes for a month was weighing down on Massie as her and Claire went to the Westchester Mall. Also, Massie is concerned because her mom is starting to pick up on Massie and Claire's plan to act like friends. -
Halloween Chic
Massie, Alicia, Dylan, and Kristen all decided to wear their halloween costumes to school, and they were certainly not in 'dresscode'. This lead to everyone trying to copy them by cutting holes in their shorts, which ended up resulting in the four girls getting in trouble! -
Costume Problems
Instead of Claire dressing up like Massie and her friends, she went to the party dressed in a power puff girl costume. Her brother and his friends had costumes matching Claire's. -
Halloween Party Drama!
Kristen couldnt attend the party because she got in trouble earlier that day, which meant that Dylan has a better chance that she will get the guy (nicknamed 'Derrington') that her and Kristen had been fighting over, When the party began, Massie had her eyes on a guy named Cam Fisher. -
The Bribe!
The party had started, and Claire threatened Massie that she would tell her parents about their plan to pretend to be friends if Massie didn't introduce Claire to some guys. -
The Set Up!
The boys Massie sets up Claire and her friend Layne with were named Eli and Tristan, and they were indie-type people who were very...interesting. -
Dead Meat
At the party, things were going well, except for a girl named Olivia Ryan, who is a main target to Massie because Olivia tried to steal Cam from her. -
Who Claire Really Meets!
The only guy who Claire ended up meeting is Cam- Massie's crush! Claire and Cam won an award for having the best dance moves, and Claire started to really like Cam! -
Emergency Assembly!
As all the 7th graders went into the auditorium for an emergency assembly, the four girls were all angry from post-party drama. And to top it off, because of Massie and her friend's decisions of wearing their inapropriate outfits to school, the students of Octavian Country Day School have to wear uniforms. -
New Uniforms, New Hatred!
Everyone now hated Massie for causing the uniforms to begin, but Claire gave her the best idea to design a cute uniform so everyone would like her again! -
Team Claire & Massie!
Claire and Massie decided to work together on the uniforms because Inez, their maid, threw theirs out. -
The CD!
Massie watched as Cam gave Todd, Claire's brother, a CD and Massie knew it was for her. -
Mall Time
At the mall, Massie was happy that she got to hang out with Alicia without Olivia being there. Alicia proved to Dylan and Kristen that their crush, 'Derrington', was using both of them. So Kristen and Dylan finally decided to make up. -
Fashion Show!
The fashion show contest for the new school uniforms had started, and Claire, Massie, Dylan, Kristen, Alicia, and Olivia all moved to the finals. Claire was upset because she thought Cam was waving to her, but instead he was waving to Massie. -
After everyone voted, the results were in- and the winners were Alicia and Olivia! Massie was so upset, but then later found out that they had cheated. Alicia then told Massie that Derrington liked Massie, which made her even more upset because she just wanted Cam to like her. -
At dinner after the fashion show, Todd gave Claire a letter from Cam saying he sent HER the DVD, and he liked her uniform! Claire also realized that she finally become friends with Massie, and that Massie's friendship is something wasn't entitled to, it's something she earned.