MElody is a girl who cannot talk, walk, or write. She rides in a manual pink wheelchair most of the time.
Her mom plays a big role in her life because she always beleives that Melody is very smart.
Mrs. V is melody's nieghbor who helps Meloday progess throughout her life. She is always encouraging her to do better in school or at home.
Her dad also helps melody alot. Her lifts her from her wheelchair to bed or into other places. It is very good to have him around. -
Melody starts out in a docters office when she is about 4 years old. The docter thinks she is truly retarded. Her mom knows that she is very smart but there is no way to tell because Melody cant talk or write. She also spends much time with Mrs. V who helps her to overcome everything. SHe spands time at her house when her parents are home -
Melody as so many thoughts trapped inside of her and wants to share her smarts with everyone she knows. But the problem is, she cant! Melody is trapped inside of herself and cannot walk, talk, write, or do many basic things that we can. -
Rising Action 1 CONFLICT
Alot of people think that Melody is not smart and uncapable of doing many things! Shes not and she has no way of telling people about everything that she knows. SHe has a photographic memory and is probably smarter than alot of kids her age. -
Rising Action 2
At school Maelody is treated like she doesnt understand anything. She does. She comes into school knowing pretty much everything she is going to learn. She "learns" the same things every year and is sick of it -
Rising Action 3
Melody is able to go to music class with the "normal" kids. Molly and Claire make fun of Melody. -
Rising Action 4
Melody is excited for the up-coming holiday! Christmas! But at school every year in her class the teacher brings out a big styrofoam snowman. She hates it so much! -
Rising Action 5
Melody is very excited because she is invited to join the "normal" kids in most of her classes. She is so happy to be learning things that interest her. -
Melody gets a "Medi-Talk". She is very excited that she will be able to talk to people with a vioce. It may not be her vioce talking but it wil be her thoughts. -
Faling action 1
Melody decides to try out for the Whiz-Kids team. This is a trivia game. She will be very good at it considering she has a photographic memory. She has memorized so many facts with the help of her neighbor Mrs. V -
Falling Action 2
Melody is very happy with the news that she made the Whiz Kids team! She is excited to be apart of something that kids do that arent like her. Her neighbor Mrs. V is always pushing her to her limits. -
Resolution 1
Melody begins to make some new friends. She is fitting in at school and is not treated like a baby. -
Resolution 2
Melody is now able to cope with her disease very well and has made so much progress in school. -
Falling Action 3
Melody takes tests at Whiz Kids pracite and almost always gets 100%s on them. Molly, a mean girl in Whiz Kids thinks that Emlody should not be allowed on the team. She maiinly thinks this because she is not doing as well as Melody.