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Bertram Russell (1872-1970)

  • Birth

    Born near Ravenscroft in Trelleck, Monmouthshire, UK.
  • Entered College

    Entered College
    Began studying Mathematics and Philosophy at Trinity College in Cambridge.
  • Graduated College

    Graduated College
    Graduated with honors in both mathematics and philosophy.
  • Fellowship

    Earned a philosophy fellowship at Trinity.
  • Political Philosophy

    Began developing work of Political Philosophy and taught on the subject matter at the London School of Economics.
  • Essay on the Foundations of Geometry

    Essay on the Foundations of Geometry
    Began an intensive study of fundamental mathematics at Trinity and wrote an essay on Kali Klein metrics used for non-Euclidean geometry title, "Essay on the Foundations of Geometry".
  • The Principles of Mathematics

    The Principles of Mathematics
    Influenced by Italian mathematicians, Giuseppe Piano and Alessandro Padoa, Russell published, "The Principles of Mathematics". In his work he discussed his paradox, knowns as "Russell's Paradox"; introduced the Theory of Types; and defended logicism. The book became a classic reference for the foundation of mathematics.
    This clip will break down his set theory paradox, a continuation of Gottlob Frege work on "Numbers":
  • Lecturer at Trinity College

    Russell's work in both "Principle" and "Principia" made him world famous in mathematics and philosophy. For that reason he became a lecturer at Trinity College, but was denied fellowship due to religious views.
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    Principia Mathematica

    Russell and Alfred North Whitehead expanded on the work done in the "Principles of Mathematics" and released a three volume work titled "Principia Mathematica". The work was too extensive to be a second volume to Principles, hence the three volume release. Both to showing how the truths of mathematics could be derived from logic.
  • Convicted

    Russell spoke against World War I therefore, was dismissed from Trinity College as lecturer. He was not sent to prison instead, was asked to pay a fine of 100 pounds.
  • Second Conviction

    Second Conviction
    Russell spent six months in Brixton prison for speaking against the United States entering World War I on the side of the UK. He was convicted under the defense of Realm Act which had created laws against speaking against the war.
  • Resigned from Trinity

    Russell eventually was able to come back to Trinity and teach, but because of personal life reasons he resigned in good terms with the college.
  • University of Chicago

    Russell moved to the United States and lectured at the University of Chicago and later moved to the UCLA Philosophy department.
  • A History of Western Philosophy

    A History of Western Philosophy
    Russell joined the Barnes Foundation and lectured in the history of philosophy. Shortly after, he moved backed to the UK and started working again at Trinity College. Much of the material he lectured there at the foundation made up "A History of Western Philosophy".
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    Russell won the Nobel Prize in Literature "in recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he champions humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought". Russell used his acceptance speech to emphasize topics relating to his social activism.
    Here is a short clip of his acceptance speech:
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    World Affairs

    Russell took part in many political issues and philosophical discussions. Many people cared for his opinions and engaged in many causes that called for nuclear disarmament. He ran for the Parliament and was defeated 3 times. He became the founding President of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, established the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, and launched the International War Crimes Tribunal.
    Here is a clip looking into his career and thoughts:
  • Manifesto

    Einstein-Russell published Manifesto calling for a disarmament of nuclear weapons and opposed the Vietnam War.
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    Russel published a 3 volume autobiography titled "The Early Years: 1872-World War I"/ "The Middle Years: 1914-1944/ "The Final Years: 1944-1969".
  • Death

    Bertram Russell died of Influenza at his home in Penrhyndeudraeth, Wales.