Bernice bobs her hair

  • F. Scott Fitzgerald born

  • Zelda Fitzgerald is born

    Spouse of F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald first publish

    At the age of 14, F. he appears in print for the first time, with "The Mystery of the Raymond Mortgage" in the student paper St. Paul Academy Now and Then.
  • Fitzgerald goes to Princeton

    Meeting lifelong friends and writers.
  • Fitzgerald Falls in Love

    Fitzgerald meets Ginevra King, his first serious love
  • U.S. Army Service

    On academic probation Fitzgerald decides to join the service
  • Fitzgerald meets Zelda Sayre

    Meet at country club dance in Montgomery, Alabama
  • Armistice Day

    World War 1 ends before 2nd Lieutenant Fitzgerald gets to fight in foreign combat.
  • The Side of Paradise

    Fitzgerald is discharged from the army and is turned down for engagement due to lack of wealth
  • Marriage to Zelda Sayre

  • Flappers and Philosophers

    Following the first publication of short stories book, Flappers and Philosophers the Fitzgerald's move into a new apartment
  • Travel to Europe

    The Fitzgerald’s travel to Europe for the first time.
  • Birth of daughter Scottie Fitzgerald

  • The Beautiful and Damned

    The Beautiful and Dammed is published.
  • Death of F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Dies of heart attack at Sheila Graham’s Hollywood, California apartment.