Birth of Bernard.
Bernard Lichtenberg was born December 3, 1875 in Germany. He was the oldest child of a roman catholic family containing five children. -
Bernard in 1899.
In 1899 Bernard became a preist and saw the growing power of the Nazi party and their persecution of Jewish people. His faith gave him much needed courage to stand up against the Nazis and resist against the persecution of Jews. -
The start of the Nazi Party.
The founding of the Nazi party is considered a big deal to lichtenberg because he would spend most of his life defying them and their beliefs concerning Jews and mentally ill people. He would later die on a train to a concentration camp for speaking out against the Nazis. -
Bernard Keeping The Peace.'
In 1929 Bernard was elected to the board of inter-denominational working group. This group is dedicated to keeping the peace for humanity. -
Bernards Bad Press.
In 1931, Lichtenberg invited Catholics to watch an anti war film to influence others to protest against the Nazis.These actions brought Bernard bad press from Goebbels paper Der Angriff. -
The Start of Concentration Camps.
Starting in 1933 the concentrations camps were created. This was the same time that Hitler took over power in Germany. This is a key event in Bernards life because he would spend most of his time as a preist preaching about how the persecution of Jews is awfully wrong. -
Bernard Taking Action.
Just two months after the Nazi takeover, Bernard arranged for a Jewish banker to meet with cardinal Bertram, To try to prevent to boycott of Jewish businesses that were planned for the following day. His did this to try and keep the innocent Jew in business. -
The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service.
This law forbids Jews and other parties( except Nazis) from all civil service positions. This could act as a sign from Hitler that he wants to take over other political parties and countries. These kinds of acts will eventually lead to the persecution of Jews which Bernard Lichtenberg protests against. -
Jewish Persecution in 1934.
In 1934, Jewish people were prohibited to have health insurance. This was done for no clear reason but the Nazi party said that Jews were responsible for the murderers of christian children. -
Suspicious Bernard.
Throughout 1935, Bernard began hearing about the disgraceful conditions of concentration camps. This obviously triggered the ideas for protesting against the Nazis. -
Bernard's Secret Meetings.
In February 1936, there were reports of Lichtenberg taking secret meetings with two rabbis and non Aryan laymen. The central idea of every meting was that German people will have much to fix concerning Jews. -
Bernard As An Activist?
In 1937, Bernard began to distribute pope pius xi disaproval of the Nazis as an act of resistance towards the persecution of Jews and mentally ill people. This was done to influence people to try and join the resistance against Nazis. -
World War 2 Starts.
The start of World War 2 was a big deal for Bernard because this would trigger him to keep making efforts against the rising power of the Nazis. -
Bernard in Charge and Helping.
Bernard was put in charge of releife office of the Berlin epsophate which helped several catholics of jewish decent in emigrating from the third reach.This act saved many innocent lives from going to concentration camps, being killed, or being forced into hiding. -
Bernards Protest.
In 1941, Bernard made efforts to protest the murders of the mentaly ill and the persecution of innocent Jews. -
Bernard Arrested?
In October 1941, Bernard was arrested for misusing his office while protesting Jew persecution and people who are mentally ill. -
Bernard Caught.
On this day Lichtensbergs house was serched. The serchers found a proclamation that Lichtengerg was going to read the upcomming Sunday. The proclamation was made as a responce to a Nazi leaflet circulated by a propagand ministry. -
Bernard in Prison.
After two years of thought, Bernard was finally sentenced to prision for the misuse of his preaching(Preaching to jews). -
Thoughtful Bernard.
Bernard offered to do a public prayer for the Jews who were being deported to death camps. -
Tragic death of Bernard.
At just sixty seven years of age bernard died on the train to a concentration camp. On the trains, there was only one window and little food for every box car which contained over one hundred people. So it wasnt hard to die or fall ill on these trains.
More than 4,000 people went to bernards funeral to pay their respects.