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NATO and Warsaw pact
NATOin 1949 canada and ten other contries had formed a new kind of militaryalliance called the North Alanctic Treay Organization(NATO). What the north alantic did was the pledged to help one another if they were being attacked. In 1955 in the west where the weastern democracies had been led by the united states. When all this took place was in between 1949-1955. Why this all started hapening was because the thins between soviet union were starting to get bad. -
Korean Conflict
korean conflictkorea was an independent kingdom untill japan conquered it in early twentieth centry. after japans defeat in world war two soviet and american forces agreed to divide korea temporarily. ruler of north korea kim sung became a communist ally of the soviet union. in south korea the united states backed the dictatorial but noncommunist leader syngman rhee. both leaders wanted to rule the entire country. 1950 kim sung called for a “heroic struggle” to reunite korea. north korean troops attacked in ju -
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Berlin Walls
Berlin wallsBerlin wall had been a key focus of the cold war tensions. during 1950-1961west berlin had become a showcase for the west Germany prosperity. Then there was a massive thing called (exdous) it was low paid. Then in 1961 the Berlin walls took place in west berlin. -
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Soviet unition falls
societ unionWho: Stalin’s Soviet Union emerged from WWII as a superpower with an Eastern European sphere of influence stretching from the Baltic to the Balkans. Nikita Krushchev Soviets enjoyed greater freedom of speech. Stalin continued to fill forced labor camps with “enemies of the state”.
What: Moscow inspired some East Europeans to move toward better independence. Krushchev remained to be a determined warrior. Hungarians tried to break free from the Soviets. Soviet economy faced severe problems. Centra -
CubamessilecrisisWho: Soviet Union- Premier Nikita Khrushchev
Cuba- Fidel Castro
United States- John F. Kennedy What: The Soviet Union sent nuclear warheads to be stored on Cuba, 90 miles off the coast of the United States. When the US found out about this they immediately imposed a naval blockade of Cuba. For one week, tense talks about removing the nukes brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. When: Summer of 1962 until October 28 1962. Where: Cuba How: President JFK talked the Soviet Union -
Coldwar/ vietnam conflict
Cold war VWho: South Vietnamese commandos conducted raids on north Vietnamese.
What: United States was only sending supplies and military Advisors late they sent in thousands on troops.
When: August 1st, 1964
Where: Gulf of Tonkin
Why: Ho Chi Minh remained determined to unite Vietnam under communist rule.
How: Communist rebels trying to overthrow south Vietnam’s Governme -
Nuclear Arms Cold war
Nuclear armAt first, the United States was the only country with nuclear weapons. However, by 1949 the Soviet Union had developed nuclear weapons. By 1953, both side had developed hydrogen bombs , which are much more destructive than atomic bombs. People said that nuclear war would destroy both sides. Each superpower wanted to be able to deter the other from launching its weapons. This sparked the arms race, which involved both sides struggle to match each others new weapons. This resulted in a balance of -
Cold war 2
Cold war 2Soviets in Afghanistan
Who: Soviet Union
What: Long war in Afghanistan
When: In 1979
Where: Afghanistan
Why: Muslim conservatives charged that both politics Threatened Islamic tradition
How: Warlords took up arms against the Government -
Period: to
eastern european independenceWho: Soviet Union kept control over Eastern European satellites by force. As the Soviet Union was being put to a stop, Eastern Europeans demanded the end of Soviet domination. They have succeeded this time. Alot of Eastern Europeans were against communist rule.
What: Eastern Europeans were starting to seek better freedom in their own countries. Revolts had started in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia. Economic problems had lead to greater discontent. Poland had stopped the Soviet satellite empire