Bering strait migration

By MaferCM
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    End of Ice Age

    The Bering Strait land bridge disappears as the sea level rises again, but humans have already spread across North, Central, and South America. Settlements become more established, leading to the development of diverse Native American cultures.
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    Clovis culture emerges

    By this time, humans have settled as far as the southern United States and Central America. Distinct tools and cultures, such as the Clovis point, begin to emerge.
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    Coastal routes emerge

    With ice sheets retreating, the first groups may have begun moving south along the Pacific coast, where the climate was less harsh. These groups might have made use of small boats or followed coastal resources.
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    Beringia still present

    The ice begins to recede as the climate warms slightly, but the Bering Strait remains passable for thousands of years. Migration continues, possibly accelerating as the mammoth herds move further south.
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    Peak migration period

    As glaciers cover much of North America, human groups continue to move across Beringia. At this point, some may have started settling in Beringia, living off the land while others continued migrating further into the Americas.
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    First migrations may have started

    Early human groups, likely following large game like mammoths, begin moving eastward across Beringia, unaware they are moving from one continent to another. These groups were small and highly mobile, relying on hunting and gathering.
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    Last Glacial Maximum begins

    The Earth enters a period of intense cold during the Ice Age, and large amounts of water are locked in glaciers, lowering sea levels. This creates a land bridge, called Beringia, between present-day Siberia (Asia) and Alaska (North America).