Benjamin Franklins dad was born
Period: to
Benjamin Franklin time line
Benjamin Franklins Brother James Franklin was born.
Benjamin Franklin was born
Benjamin Franklin invents swim fins to swim faster.
Benjamin Franklin Finished formal schoolling.
Benjamin Franklin worked for his brother James, as a printers apprentice.
James Franklin starts publishing the courant.
Writes the Silence Dogood essays.
Leaves Boston, and ultimately ends up in Philadelphia, were he works as a printer.
Moves to London. Was originally there to buy printing equipment, but when promised financing fell through, became employed as a printer.
Publishes " A Dissertation Upon Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain," believed to be his first published pamphlet.
Moved back to Philadelphia, becoming employed for his sponsor outside of the printing business.
Opened a printing business with a partner, Hugh Meredith.
Purchased th Pennsylvania Gazette and became owner/publisher.
Writes the Busy Body essays.
Buys out his partner to become sole owner of his printing company.
Benjamin Franklin and his wife Deborah established common-law marriage
Founded the first lending library.
Benjamin franklin had a son named William Franklin
Publishes the first edition of Poor Richard's Almanack. The publication continues for 25 years and brings Franklin financial success.
became a Grand Master of a Masonic Lodge.
Benjamin Franklins brother James Franklin died
Became clerk of the Pennsylvania Assembly.
Founded the Union Fire Company.
Benjamin Franklins son Francis Folger Franklin died of smallpox
Benjamin appointed the Postmaster of Philadelphia
Benjamin Franklin invented th Pennsylvania Fireplce, later called the Franklin Stove.
Proposed starting the University of Pennsylvania
Benjamin Franklin Founded the American Philosophical Society.
Benjamin franklin had a daughter named Sarah
Benjamin Franklins dad died
Benjamin Franklin intrest in electricity prompts Franklin to work on several experiments.
Benjamin Franklin publishes the first political cartoon, in a pamphlet called The Plain Truth, about the need for military preparedness.
Benjamin Franklin retires from the business of printing.
Benjamin Franklin joins the Pennsylvania milita as a soldier.
Benjamin Franklin publishes a book titles Experiments and Observations on Electricity.
Benjamin Franklin conducts an experiment with a kite in a lightning storm which provide evidence to his theory that lightning is related to electricity.
Benjamin Franklin wrote about the unification of the colonies for the purposes of defense.
Benjamin Franklin founded the first fire insurance company.
Benjamin Frankklin is appointed joint Deputy Postmaster of the United States.
At the Albany Confrence, Benjamin Franklin agin proposes clonial unification.
Benjamin Franklin invents a new type of street lamp.
Benjamin Franklins role as a statesman grows as he lives in England as the representative from the Pennsylavania Assembaly and sevral other colonies.
Benjamin Franklin returns to Philadelphia
Benjamin Franklin creates a postal map of thr colonies.
Benjamin Franklin examined in the house of commons because of his support of the repeal of the stamp act.
In London, Benjamin Franklin is admonished for his role in the "Hutchinson letteres affair."
Benjamin Franklin's wife died
Beanjamin Franklin is elected as a delegate of Pennsylvania to the seconed Continetal Congress.
Benjamin Franklin is elected Postmaster Gemral of the clonies.
Benjamin Franklin submits the "Articles of Confederation of the United States.
Benjamin Franklin leaves for France as a Commissioner of Congress.
Benjamin Franklin presided over Pennsylvania's Constitutional Convention.
Benjamin Franklin sighns the Deaclaration of Independence.
Benjamin Franklin serves on the "Committee of Five" who draft the Declaration of Independence.
Benjamin Franklin negotiates the "Treaty of Alliance WIth France"
Benjamin Franklin appointed as Minister to France.
Benjamin Franklin starts negotiation for peace with the Great Britain. Insists on including France in the treaty.
Invents the bifocal lens.
Benjamin Franklin signed the Definitive treaty of peace between great britain and the United States, called the "Paris Peace Treaty," formally ending the American Revolution,
Benjamin Franklin proposes advancing the clock one hour in summer months to provide more daylight.
Elected president of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery.
Benjamin Franklin sighns th Constitution of the United States
Benjamin Franklin serves as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention.
Benjamin Franklin died
Benjamin Franklins daughter Sarah died
Benjamin Franklin's son William died.