
Benjamin Franklin's Life

  • The Birth of Ben

    The Birth of Ben
    Born in Boston massachusetts aon january 17, 1706.
  • Bens first job

    He takes over his brothers james's job as a publisher but soon runs away to new york for a new line of work.
  • First Book

    Ben publishes his first book called the "A Dissertation upon Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain". A very famous book that he made and sold tons.
  • Bens stove

    Ben made his very own stove that warmed people during cold times and was designed to give the whole house warmth.
  • The discovery of electricity

    ◾Conducts kite experiment
    Received Copley Medal of the royal Society of London for research in electricity. Deputy Postmaster General of N.A.
    Wrote a plan for a union of the colonies for security and defense. This is one of his greatest moments as it leads to the invention of the light bulb.
  • A new way to swim

    Benjamin franlin creates the fins which are to help people swim faster and more efficently.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Benjamin Franklin signs the declaration of independence along with the founding fathers of our nation.
  • Treaty of paris

    Ben helped make the treaty of paris to end the revolutionary war.
    It was signed in a french court and made a truce between france and england.
  • Bifocals

    benjamin Franklin creates special glasses to help people see better. They are basically eyeglasses but just work a different way.
  • long arm

    Ben loved reading books but it was always a challenge to reach the books on the highest shelf so he created the long arm. a simple claw on a stick to reach and grab books easily.
  • Ben's final act

    Writes anti-slavery treatise. He becomes president of the Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery
  • The death of Ben

    The death of Ben
    April 17, dies in Philadelphia at the age of 84. 20,000 mourners attend his funeral at Philadelphia's Christ Church Burial Ground.