
Benjamin Franklin's Life!

  • Born on January 17, 1706

  • Apprentices with his brother in 1718

    Exact Date not known
  • Opens own printing office in 1728

    Exact date not known.
  • Becomes only publisher and owner of the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1728

    Exact date not known
  • Founds first public library in 1731

    Exact date not known
  • Retires from printing in 1748

    Exact date not known
  • Kite Experiment in 1752

    Exact date not known
  • Goes to England as a colonial representative in 1757

    Exact date not known
  • Signs Declaration of Independence in 1776

  • Negotiates Treaty of Alliance with France in 1778

  • Negotiates Treaty of Peace with Great Britain in 1782

  • Signs Constitution of the United States in 1787

  • Ben Franklin Dies in 1790