Benjamin Franklin was born.
On January 17th, 1706 Abiah Folger gave birth to Benjamin, son of Josiah Freanklin. -
Period: to
Benjamin Franklin
Timeline of Benjamin Franklin's life. -
Age 12, becomes apprentice to older half brother James.
At age 12, he became an appprentice to his older half brother, James, which was a printer and publisher. -
Moves to boarding house
In 1720, he left his house to go to a boarding house. -
Official printer
In 1730 he was elected the official printer of pennsylvania -
On sep 1st 1730 he marries Deborah Read -
PA assembly
In 1736 he was named clerk of the PA assembly -
Francis Folger Franklin was born,, although he dies 4 years later of small pox. -
Signed the french alliance
On February 6 1778 he signed the french alliance. -
Elected President of Pennsylvania Executive Council -
Benjamin's death.
On April 17 1790, Bejamin Franklin died at age 84.