Benjamin Franklin

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
  • Education

    Ben's final year of schooling.
  • Work

    Became an apprenticed to his brother James, a printer.
  • First Newspaper

    First Newspaper
    James founded the first independent newspaper in the colonies, The New-England Courant,
  • New Start

    New Start
    Franklin ran away to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, gains employment as a printer, and finds a home with John Read, father of his future wife, Deborah.
  • London

    Franklin left for London to purchase supplies from stationers, booksellers and printers to set up his own print shop.
  • First Pamphlet

    Publishes his first pamphlet: "A Dissertation upon Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain"
  • Back to Philadelphia

    Returns to Philadelphia and works as a bookkeeper and shopkeeper for Thomas Denham, a merchant who had loaned him the money to return home.
  • Junto

    Forms the Junto, a philosophical/political discussion group.
  • Printing shop

    Printing shop
    Sets up own printing shop
  • Publish "Pennsylvania Gazette"

    Publishes the first edition of the Pennsylvania Gazette.
  • Marriage and Money

    Marriage and Money
    Marries Deborah Read. Son William Franklin is born. Begins printing money for the colony of Pennsylvania
  • Poor Richard's Almanack

    Son Francis Folger Franklin is born. Ben prints first edition of Poor Richard's Almanack
  • Lost Francis and Establish company

    Francis,youngest son, dies of smallpox.
    Ben establishes the Union Fire Company.
    Prints counterfeit-proof money for the colony of New Jersey.
  • postmaster of Philadelphia.

    Becomes postmaster of Philadelphia.
  • Franklin Stove

    Franklin Stove
    Invents the Franklin stove.
  • American Philosophical Society

    Daughter Sally is born. Ben establishes framework for the formation of the American Philosophical Society.
  • Soldier

    Becomes a soldier in militia regiment he organizes.
  • University of Pennsylvania

    University of Pennsylvania
    Convinces citizens that a state school is needed. This school eventually becomes the University of Pennsylvania.
  • Lightning Rods

    Lightning Rods
    First suggests the use of lightning rods to keep houses safe.
  • Pennsylvania Hospital

    Pennsylvania Hospital
    Helps Dr. Thomas Bond establish the Pennsylvania Hospital.
  • Kite Experiment

    Kite Experiment
    Performs famous kite experiment, proving lightning is electricity.
  • General For America

    Ben is appointed deputy postmaster general for America and begins overhaul of the postal system.
  • North America

    North America
    France and England begin fighting for control of North America. Appointed to the Albany Congress, Ben forms his Albany Plan of Union. Creates "Join, or Die" cartoon.
  • War

    French and Indian War declared.
  • Colonial Disputes

    Pennsylvania Assembly sends Ben to England to discuss colonial disputes with Parliament.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act is passed by Parliament.
  • Testimony

    Testifies in favor of the repeal of the Stamp Act before the House of Commons. Testimony is published and applauded in America.
  • Taxes

    Parliament passes the Townshend Acts, laying taxes on lead, paint, tea, and other items
  • Troops

    The British send troops to Boston.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre occurs. Ben tries to bring compromise between England and the colonies
  • Reconciliation between two countries

    Parliament passes the Tea Act, leading to the Boston Tea Party. Ben tries one last time for reconciliation between the two countries.
  • Beginning of Revolutionary War

    Beginning of Revolutionary War
    The Battles of Lexington and Concord occur in April, marking the beginning of the Revolutionary War. Ben returns to Philadelphia and takes his seat in the First Continental Congress.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Ben and Thomas Jefferson are appointed by Congress to draft the Declaration of Independence. After Washington's defeat on Long Island, Ben is appointed commissioner to France.
  • British occupation of Philadelphia

    Ben hears grim news of British occupation of Philadelphia. Also hears joyous news of American victory at Saratoga, New York.
  • Treaty of Alliance

    France formally recognizes the United States and signs Treaty of Alliance.
  • Revolutionary War

    General Charles Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, putting an end to the Revolutionary War. Congress appoints Ben along with John Jay, John Adams, and Henry Laurens, as commissioner to negotiate peace.
  • American commission

    Ben and the American commission complete negotiations and sign peace treaty with England.
  • Franklin Bifocals

    Franklin Bifocals
    Invents bifocals.
  • Election

    Ben returns home from France. Is elected president of the executive council of Pennsylvania.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Serves as the oldest delegate to the Constitutional Convention. Becomes president of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition Slavery.
  • Retirement

    Retires from public office.
  • Death

    Dies on April 17; buried next to Deborah in Christ Church Cemetery, Philadelphia.