
benjamin franklin

By aennis
  • Benjamin Franklin is born

    Benjamin Franklin is born
    Benjamin Franklin was born on this day. Son of Josiah and Abiah Franklin
  • Period: to

    Benjamin Franklin

  • Ben's first invention

    Ben's first invention
    Ben invents swim fins for his hand at just age 10.
  • Stops eating meat

    Stops eating meat
    Ben stops eating meat not only because of his distaste for it, but also because he wanted more money to buy books.
  • Runs away

    Runs away
    Ben runs away from apprenticeship and goes to work in New York to work as a printer.
  • First Pamphlet

    First Pamphlet
    Publishes his first pamphlet "A Dissertation upon Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain"
  • Ben opened his own printing shop

    Ben opened his own printing shop
    Ben opens his own Printing shop in Philly
  • Ben marries Deborah

    Ben marries Deborah
    Ben marries Deborah Read and has 3 children, William, Sarah, and Francis.
  • Poor Richards Almanac

    Poor Richards Almanac
    Ben Published Poor Richards Almanac. It has a Calendar, Weather Forecasts, Poems, And Sayings.
  • Franklin Stove

    Franklin Stove
    Ben Invented the Franklin Stove. People were amazed that it worked better than a fireplace.
  • Ben retires

    Ben retires
    Benjamin retires and now spends his time inventing and trying to convince the city to build a school.
  • Ben flies his kite

    Ben flies his kite
    Benjamin starts to experiment with lightning and Figures out that lightning and electricity are the same.
  • Postmaster!

    Ben becomes postmaster of all 13 colonies.
  • Deborah dies

    Deborah dies
    Deborah dies at 66 from a stroke and Ben doesn't figure it out until he gets back from England
  • Ben helps write the Declaration

    Ben helps write the Declaration
    Ben helps write the Declaration of Independence!
  • Peace

    Ben gets appointed to help John Jay and John Adams make a peace treaty with England
  • He returns!!

    Ben returns to Philly and is considered a hero for helping to win the war
  • Death

    Benjamin Franklin dies from old age.