Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini is born on this day to a blacksmith father and regular mother in Predappio, in northern central Italy.
(Cavendish 1139) This is signifigant because if he had not been born, none of these events would have happened. -
Early Years and Employment
Job prospects in this time period in Italy were so poor that Mussolini moved to Switzerland, where he came to be involved in Socialist politics. His experience in this field helped Mussolini build his empire, so this early learing is very signifigant.
(Cavendish 1140) -
Mussolini Joins the army
Mussolini is drafted into the Italian army and becomes involved in politics, after he worked as a journalist in in the socialist press. This is signifigant because this military experience guided him in World War 2.
(Cavendish 1141) -
(World Event) Russian Revolution
The last Russian czar abdicates, Bolsheviks seize power from russian givernment. This is signifigant because The New Russian government is weak. A weak government greatly decreased Russia's chances in World War 2.
(Cavendish 1139) -
Form Fascist Party
Mussolini formed the fascist party, galvanizing the support of many unemployed war veterans. He organized them into armed squads know as the Black Shirts. This armed group terrorised Mussolini's political opponents, which allowed Mussolini to take over.
(Cavendish 1141) -
(World Event) Treaty of Versailles signed
The treaty of Versailles is signed, imposing very strict peace terms on Germany. This treaty is one of the things that Adolf Hilter based his belief against. This treaty signaled the end of World War 1, the war which cost Germany more soldiers then any other country. Germany lost 2 million men, which angered the future dictator Adolf Hitler.
(Cavendish 1140) -
Fascist Party Joins coalition goverment
Mussolini's Fascist party is invited to join Italy's coalition goverment, signifying the beginning of a period of political chaos. Mussolini made himself seem very important for future political oppertunities
(Lorenzini 769) -
Benito Mussolini Comes to power
Mussolini's armed squads eliminate the opposing political parties, allowing Mussolini to control Italy unopposed as a tyrant. This is signifigant because it caused the establishment of the first example of Fascism.
(Lorenzini 770) -
(World Event) Germany joins League of Nations
Germany joins The League of Nations, signifying Germany's importance as a country and signifying Nazi Military Might. This event shoed that a dictator can join a league of peace.
(Lorenzini 771) -
(World Event) Hitler writes Book
Adolf Hitler publishes "Mein Kampf", a book about his plans for Germany's future. Here is an exerpt from his book, titled "My Stuggle": "The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland with the ultimate idea of bastardising the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so
that the Jew might dominate."
(Lorenzini 770) -
Mussolini Invades Ethiopia
Mussolini invades Ethiopoa, brutally killing many people and using mustard gas to great success. The League of Nations criticised Mussolini for his act, but it gave Mussolini great popularity. This is the height of Mussolini's popilarity.
(Adams 200) -
Italy Allies with the Nazis
Mussolini visits Hitler and by the end of his visit is convinced that Germany is the power to ally with. (In May, 1939, they made the Pact of Steel, declaring that both countries will support each other it either one gets in a war.) This signifyed the importance of military alliances in World War 2.
(Adams 358) -
(World Event) Germany Attacks Yugoslavia and Greece
Germany invades Greece and Yugoslavia, defeating both in answer to an assistance request form Italian Dictator Mussolini. This was a failed attempt by Mussolini to gain respect. It was embarrassing for Mussolini to ask for help from Hitler.
(Adams 359) -
(World Event) Final German Advance into Russia Fails
The Final German attempt to invade Germany fails. Operation Barbarossa was the largest military invasion attempt by the Germans, driven by Hitler's desire to capture the Soviet Union. This attempt failed, signaling the end of German military might.
(Adams 624) -
Mussolini Dies
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini dies of a gunshot wound on this date.This signifys the end of Italian Military Involvement in World War 2. This also signals the end of the first example of Fascism.
(Cavendish 1141)