Mussolini is born
On July 29th, 1883 Benito Mussolini is born in the small town of Dovia di Predappio, Italy(bbc) .He was the eldest of the 3 sons of an adulterous blacksmith, Alessandro and a devout Catholic teacher, Rosa. Mussolini's father was also an advocate of socialism, and "His two middle names, Amilcare and Andrea, came from Italian socialists Amilcare Cipriani and Andrea Costa."(Greenspan). The picture shown is his house in Predappio. -
Mussolini's troubling childhood
Mussolini was described to be a very violent and aggressive boy. "At age 10 he was expelled from a religious boarding school for stabbing a classmate in the hand(Greenspan)." At this age he was showing elements of leadership as he led packs of boys on farm raids, like Hitler. -
Mussolini in Switzerland
For a period of two years Mussolini lived in Switzerland. In Switzerland he began actively advocating for socialist policies and was quite the rabble-rouser. For his frequent disturbances at events for rival ideologies, he was deported back to Italy(Greenspan). All though his ideology changes over time, his actions towards others does not. -
Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated
This assassination was the final catalyst of WW1. Gavrilo Princip, a Serb shot Arch Duke Ferdinand which gave Austria-Hungary an excuse to invade tiny Serbia. The problem was that Serbia and Russia were aligned, and Russia was aligned with France. Germany was Aligned with Austria-Hungary as well so by declaring war on Serbia it turned into a war with five powers immediately, instead of two(Outbreak). -
Mussolini ousted from socialist party and WWI
At the outbreak of WWI Italy was technically neutral, However they had alliances with Germany and Austria-Hungary. Mussolini, upon the declaration of war wanted to remain neutral. As it went on he decided that armed neutrality would be best for Italy, then advocating for war against the Central Powers. He thought that this war would be beneficial and let Italy rise to the status of a great power. The picture is of him during his brief service in the army (From Socialist to Fascist). -
Mussolini creates the Partito Nazionale Fascista
With perceived injustices at the negotiating table, the Italians were mad. After serving in the Italian army during WWI, a new sense of national pride was instilled into Mussolini which replaced the more globalist leanings that he held as a socialist. It was now that Mussolini created his own political party, the Fascist party (Biographics). -
Treaty of Trianon
The Treaty of Trianon was absolutely devastating to the Hungarians. As punishment for losing, Hungary lost over 2/3 of its land and people to newly formed nations such as Vojvodina to Yogoslavia, Slovakia to Czechoslovakia and galica to Poland. They also lost the region of Transylvania which is about the same size as present day Hungary to the Romanians. This humiliation was no different to Germany's Versailles treaty and is a reason why both sought revenge against the Allied Powers (Zeidler). -
Mussolini and the Black Shirts march on Rome
In August 1920, Mussolini formed a paramilitary wing for the Fascist party, the Blackshirts. Hitler later replicated this with his Sturmabteilung, or SA. However unlike Hitler, His march on Rome actually succeeded while Hitler's beer hall putsch with the goal on Munich failed. On the 29th of October King Victor Emmanuel II handed the office of prime minister to Mussolini. The King was rightfully afraid of a civil war because of the backing of the millitary and the business class. (Mulvihill 13) -
Mussolini becomes "Ill Duce"
Contrary to popular belief, Mussolini wasn't a dictator to begin with. From taking office in 1922 to now, Mussolini was steadily passing laws giving himself more power as the King gave him Prime Minister, not dictator. It was now that Mussolini eliminated the parliamentary check on his power, now only the King himself and the Grand Council of Fascism (who he controlled) could remove him. Mussolini, now head of a one party state took to the name of "Ill Duce" meaning "The leader"(Hoyt 87). -
Wall Street stock market crashes
Due to the roaring twenties, the stock market in America exploded. The market peaked in September. Decline in prices began in September and on October 18th the market went into a free fall. Instead of buying everyone was trying to sell their stocks and the economy crashed. This was felt around the world as many countries were economically tied to America, for example Germany under the Dawes plan loans. Of course America wanted its money back now, but there was none to give (Britannica). -
Hitler passes the Enabling Act of 1933
On February 27, 1933 the German parliamentary building, the Reichstag burned. A communist was blamed and Hitler demanded emergency powers to combat the red threat. Rights were suspended at first and then the Enabling Act came. All Hitler needed was 2/3rds of the Reichstag to vote itself out. Over 100 members were missing for this very important vote. Of course the vote passed and Hitler became "Die Fuhrer(Exploration)." -
Stalin and the Great Purge
Joseph Stalin was the definition of a tyrant. He and his policies killed millions and he had every right to be quite paranoid of a coup because of it. What he did in response I can not justify, he set quotas for enemies of the state to be killed, and executed some of his closest friends as he thought they were threats to his power. If put on trial you were guilty and either sent to the gulag or condemned to death. (Simkin) -
Mussolini signs the Pact of Steel
On this date Mussolini entered a formal alliance with Hitler. War was but months away and Mussolini wanted to reform the Roman Empire so he decided now was the time to strike. The 2 countries shared similar ideologies so it was only natural that they aligned to combat the democratic western powers of France and The United Kingdom. Unfortunately for Mussolini, he was not entirely prepared for war and his soldiers were under equipped which led to some serious military blunders(Deakin 257). -
Germany invades Poland
After many territorial gains the Allies finally said no to Hitler. Hitler wanted Danzig and the Polish Corridor which of course Poland did not want to give away as it is its only access to the sea. It was here that Hitler unleashed the blitzkrieg doctrine which completely overwhelmed the inferior Polish army. Poland knew it could not beat Germany on its own, but with help from the allies they thought they had a chance. Poland capitulated less than a month later(Polish German War). -
Mussolini ousted from office
With multiple military failures in Greece and Africa and now the Allies on Italian core territory, the writing was on the wall for Mussolini. On this day the Fascist Grand Council met to discuss giving some power back to the king. The vote passes easily and Mussolini did not react, he is described as paralyzed(Mussolini Falls from Power). During a routine meeting on this day with the king, Mussolini was arrested and deposed to which he offered no objection. The Germans were coming for control. -
Mussolini is killed
While being held in a ski resort, German paratroopers landed and freed Mussolini from captivity. Although he had no will to rule, Hitler forced him to do so. As the Allies were marching up the peninsula, Mussolini attempted to flee to Switzerland however was captured by communist partisans in Mezzegra. He and his mistress, Claretta Petacci were then shot and strung upside down in a square in Milan. The crowd then brutalized the couple as seen in the picture below(Biography.com).