
Benito Mussolini

  • 1st photograph using artificial light

    1st photograph using artificial light
    In 1883, The first artificial light photograph was taken in London when L. Ibbetson used oxy-hydrogen light when photographing microscopic objects. oxy-hydrogen light t was made by heating a ball of calcium carbonate in an oxygen flame until it became incandescent. Although the quality of these pictures were very poor, it was the first step of a new era of photography which made photograohy what it it today. (Grun)
  • Birth

    On July 29, 1883 in the village of Predappio, which is located in the hilly region in northern Italy called Romanga, Benito Mussolini was born. He was born to socialist parents Alessandro and Rosa Mussolini. Alessandro worked as a blacksmith while Rosa was a primary school teacher and a devout Roman Catholic. This event is significant because Benito Mussolini would go on to become a harsh dictator of Italy as well as th leader of the Fascist Movement. (Hoyt 9-10)
  • Shiga discovers dysentry bacilius

    Shiga discovers dysentry bacilius
    In 1897 the Japanese bacteriologist Kiyoshi Shiga discovered dysentry bacilius, in Tokyo Japan. This bacteria is highly contagious and causes sickness in people. The discovery of this bacteria was a great medical advancement as medicine was able to be created to treat the bacteria. (Grun)
  • Anglo-Japanese Treaty

    Anglo-Japanese Treaty
    The Anglo-Japanese Treaty was signed in London on January 30th 1902. This treaty recognized the independence China and Korea. The event was significant because it showed the independece of two great nations. These nations were China and Korea and today these nations are prosperous modern nations. (Grun) (Grun)
  • Editor of "Avanti"

    Editor of "Avanti"
    From 1913 through 1914, Mussolini became the editor of "Avanti". "Avanti" was the daily newspaper of The Socialist Party Congress. Mussolini became editor at the young age of 29 and wrote popular articles in the newspaper. This event is significant because it gained Mussolini popularity in the minds of the Italians, which he would need later on as leader of Italy.
    (Benito Mussolini)
    (Benito Mussolini)
  • Il Popolo d' Italia (The People of Italy)

    Il Popolo d' Italia (The People of Italy)
    In late 1914, Mussolini set up his own daily newspaper which was called "Il Popolo d' Italia" which translates to "The People of Italy." He set this newspaper up after he broke with the Socialist Party. This event was important because it gained him fame as his articles were very fiery and punchy. Also this newspaper would become the official newspaper of the fascist movement. (Mulvihill 8-9) (Mulvihill 8-9)
  • Fascist Party Founded

    Fascist Party Founded
    On March 23, 1919 Mussolini founded the Fascist Party. After breaking with the Socalist Party, Mussolini creates the Fasci di Combattimento. This is more commonoly known as the Fascist Party. This group was a conservative group who favored nationalism, and were distinguished by black uniforms. This event is important because this group would lead Italy for the next couple of years and would begin terrorism and intimidation to their enemies. (Mussolini Founds The)
  • Egypt Independence

    Egypt Independence
    On Febuary 28th 1922, Egypt gained independence from Great Britain, in Egypt, Africa. Overall, the Egyptian struggle for independence from 1919-1922 is hailed as the first nonviolent mass protest in the Middle East. This event is significant because it gained the nation of Egypt independence. It also showed the drive that the Egyptians wanted for independence. (Grun)
  • March On Rome

    March On Rome
    On October 27th 1922, Mussolini staged a march into Rome with te blackshirts, a ickname for his supporters. King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy turns over the government to Mussolini. Mussolini has the support of the military, the industrial and capitalist leaders, and the right-wing. This event is important because Mussolini now has control of the government and he creates the world's first fascist government. (Cline)
  • Mussolini Becomes Dictator

    Mussolini Becomes Dictator
    On January 3 1925, Benito Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy. Benito had been working to secretly destroy democracy in the Italian government, but on this day he openly announced himself as dictator of Italy. This event was significant because a ruthless leader had just rose to be dictator of Italy and a very harsh couple of years would befall Italy. (Cline)
  • First Meeting of Hitler and Mussolini

    First Meeting of Hitler and Mussolini
    On June 13th 1934, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini had their 1st meeting in Venice. Supporters of these two men were elated at this meeting and cheered on the men as they moved down the streets of Venice. (Cline) This event was significant because it was the meeting of two very harsh and evil-minded people. Here they started the conversation about the persecution of Jews.
  • Persecution of Jews

    Persecution of Jews
    In 1938, Mussolini began the persecution of Jews. A couple of years before, Mussolini had said that there was not a problem with Jews,but he began to persecute the Italian Jews. This event was important because this was the beginning of Mussolini's downfall as Mussolini had nearly exhausted all toleration for himself and his regime within Italy.
    (Benito Mussolini)
  • Creation of penicilin

    Creation of penicilin
    In 1940, in Austalia, a team of scientists, under Howard Florey, developed penicillin. Penicillin is an antibiotic or group of antibiotics produced naturally by certain blue molds, and now usually prepared synthetically. This event is significant because penicllin is a very common antibiotic that is still used to day to treat infections. (Grun)
  • Replacement of Mussolii

    Replacement of Mussolii
    On July 25th 1943, Benito Mussolini is summoned by King Victor Emmanuel III, who tells him that he is being replaced by Marshal Pietro Badoglio as Prime Minister of Italy. After the public is informed of this, there is no uproar which shows the hatred of Mussolini troughout Italy. This event is significant because it shows the end of Mussolini's leadership s well as the end of Fascism, (Cline)
  • Black Markets

    Black Markets
    In 1945 up until today, black markets sprung up around Europe. Black markets are illegal traffic or trades. These black markets illegally sell things like food, clothing and cigarettes. This event is significant because black markets are still a problem to some countries. This illegal trade can affect a country's economy. (Grun)
  • Death

    On April 28th 1945 Benito Mussolini was killed. He was shot dead by a partisan firing squad in Dongo in Como province. This event was significant because it ended the life of the brutal Benito Mussolini and ended the Fascism Movement tha took so many lives.