
Benito Mussolini

  • Mussolini's Birth

    Mussolini's Birth
    Benito Mussolini was born July 29th, 1883 in Predappio, a small town in Romagna, a hilly region of northern Italy. His father Alessandro was a blacksmith, and his mother Rosa was a school teacher. Romagna was famous for its revolutionary political culture at the time. This event is significant as Benito Mussolini would go on to become a powerful dictator in Italy and become a leader fighting in world war two. Source: (Mulvihill 1)
  • Mussolini is imprisoned

    Mussolini is imprisoned
    At the time Mussolini was actually a socialist. In 1903 became active in the Italian socialist movement in Switzerland, he organized meetings, gave speeches, and worked as the secretary of the Italian workers union. He was arrested by police because of his advocacy of a violent general strike and spent two weeks in jail and was deported. This event is significant as it not only shows Mussolini was a socialist, but one who was willing to serve jail time for his cause. Source: (Mulvihill 56)
  • Mussolini joins the Bersaglieri regiment

    Mussolini joins the Bersaglieri regiment
    Benito Mussolini first joined the Italian army in December of 1904. The Bersaglieri regiment he joined was famous across Italy for its achievements. Mussolini enjoyed the soldier life and his time in the regiment. This is significant because this is the first time Benito Mussolini has worked for the Italian government and army, shaping his career and worldviews. Source: (Hoyt 19)
  • The existence of vitamins is proposed

    The existence of vitamins is proposed
    In 1905 an Englishmen by the name of William Fletcher become the first to determine that a removal of special factors, vitamins, from food would lead to disease. He discovered this while researching the causes of the disease Beriberi. He found eating unpolished rice as opposed to polished/white rice would prevent Beriberi. This is significant as the discovery of vitamins would go on to help prevent disease and further human's health. Source: ("The History of Vitamins" 2017)
  • Plastic is invented

    Plastic is invented
    In 1907 a man by the name of Leo Baekeland invented Bakelite, the world's first fully synthetic plastic, meaning it contained no molecules naturally found in nature. Bakelite was a good insulator, durable, heat resistant, and suitable for mass production. This event is significant as the invention of plastic proved humans were not restricted to materials found in nature. Plastic would go on to be one of the most used materials in the world. Source: ("The History and Future of Plastics" 2016)
  • Sonar set is invented

    Sonar set is invented
    During the first world war, a French physicist by the name of Paul Langévin constructed the first sonar set to detect submarines. While these sonar sets were not very effective and could only listen to signals, the technology would go on to become very accurate and be able to send and receive sound signals. This event is significant as sonar would go on to become a staple part of a vessel and be used for most ships from naval ships to cruises. Source: ("Radar and Sonar")
  • Mussolini becomes Prime Minister

    Mussolini becomes Prime Minister
    The former prime minister of Italy Luigi Facta resigned after being heavily protested. King Victor Emmanuel III then handed Mussolini power and asked him to form a new government. The king was terrified of a civil war occurring and believed that Mussolini could prevent that war and restore law and order to Italy. This event is significant as this was Mussolini's largest jump in power and he would go on to stay in this position throughout most of world war II. Source: (Mulvihill 29)
  • A politician is murdered by Mussolini's following

    A politician is murdered by Mussolini's following
    An enemy politician Giacomo Matteotti was murdered by Mussolini's following on the tenth of June, 1924. Giacomo Matteotti was a socialist politician who had a disliking towards fascism. He was kidnapped and murdered after the publication of his book "The Fascisti Exposed: A Year of Fascist Domination". This event is important as it expresses Mussolini's grasp on his following and his power. Source (Mulvihill 55)
  • Penicillin is discovered

    Penicillin is discovered
    Alexander Flemming discovered Penicillin in 1928. Before his discovery, there were no effective treatments for infections such as gonorreah, pneumonia, or rheumatic fever. Antibiotics were known about well before the invention of penicillin, but penicillin was the first true antibiotic. This discovery would go on to lead the path of antibiotic discoveries and save countless lives from infections. Source: ("Discovery and Development of Penicillin")
  • Theory of nuclear force proposed

    Theory of nuclear force proposed
    The first theory of nuclear force was proposed by a Japanese physicist named Hideki Yukawa; who suggested that the nucleons would exchange particles between each other and this mechanism would create the force, nuclear force. Yukawa would go on to win the nuclear prize for his findings. This event is significant as nuclear force is a widely used concept in modern society from weapons to power plants and society may not be where it is today without that idea. Source: ("Nuclear Forces" 2014)
  • Discovery of nuclear fission

    Discovery of nuclear fission
    In December of 1938, the physicists Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch found that a uranium nucleus split in two. The discovery was made when the two physicists were attempting to explain a finding from a nuclear chemist. At first, they ruled out the nucleus splitting to explain Otto Hahn's finding, after doing calculations on a walk they found the nucleus did indeed split. This event is significant as it would lead to the development of the nuclear bomb. Source: ("Discovery of Nuclear Fission" 2007)
  • Mussolini revokes the citizenship of Jews

    Mussolini revokes the citizenship of Jews
    On September first, 1938, Mussolini revoked the citizenship of all Jews, who became a citizen of Italy after January first, 1919. Those with their citizenships revoked then become foreigners to Italy and are required to leave within the next 6 months. The order, however, does not apply to a select number of Italy's African holdings. This event is significant as it shows Mussolini's involvement in the persecution of Jews. Source: ("Mussolini's Fascist Government Revokes Citizenship of Jews")
  • Mussolini believes he chose the wrong side

    Mussolini believes he chose the wrong side
    Benito Mussolini was one of the major leaders during world war II. He fought with and for Hitler until his death. In 1942, he began to regret his decision of allying Germany as losing the war seemed more than feasible. This event is significant as it shows Mussolini's loyalty to Hitler was not completely unconditional, and Mussolini regretted his actions based on the fact that he lost the war. Source: (Batsford 23)
  • Mussolini is replaced as prime minister

    Mussolini is replaced as prime minister
    On July 25, 1943, Mussolini is replaced by Marshal Pietro as prime minister as ordered by the king of Italy after a series of mistakes. Mussolini attempted to reason with the king about his leadership at first and this is where he learned he was being replaced. After Mussolini left the palace of the king he was promptly arrested by the king's orders. This event is significant as it is the beginning of Mussolini's power decline. Source: ("Benito Mussolini Replaced by Marshal Pietro Baoglio")
  • The allies cut off Bologna, Italy

    The allies cut off Bologna, Italy
    On the fourth of April, 1945, the allies cut off bologna Italy and Mussolini orders scattered government offices to be disbanded. At this point in the war, a loss becomes apparent. The people of Italy want the war to be over. This event is significant as it not only displays the beginning of the end of world war II, but it also displays Mussolini's descent from power. Source: (Hoyt 149)
  • Mussolini is killed

    Mussolini is killed
    On April 28, 1945, Benito Mussolini was killed after attempting to escape Italy. He was caught with his family and was promptly killed. After his death the body of Mussolini was spat on, stoned, and abused. Hitler killed himself a few days after Mussolini's death. This event is significant as Mussolini was a leader throughout world war II and his death signaled the end of the bloodiest war ever fought. Source: (Muvihill 55)