
Benito Mussolini

  • birth

    Benito Mussolini is born in Forli Province to a middle class family(Byers 272)
  • Italian Dictator

    Italian Dictator
    Mossolini becomes the Italian Dictator. ( 1883-1945).( Byers 272)
  • diploma

    In 1901, at the age of 18, Mussolini took his deploma di maestro and taught second school briefly.(Byers 272)
  • Rescue

  • The Trenches

    The Trenches
    Mussolini was drafted into the trenches in 1915 but was wounded during a training excersises in 1917. (Byers 272)
  • Becoming a Nazi

    Becoming a Nazi
    March 23, 1919, after the war, Mussolini, who had become decidedly anti-socialist, began to advocate for a strong central government in Italy. Soon, Mussolini was also advocating for a dictator to lead that government.
  • The Italian Government

    The Italian Government
    (1922-1943) Mussolini bcame the head of the Italian Government.(Byers 273)
  • Benitos First Military Action

    Benitos First Military Action
    Benito Mussolini launched his first military action in the year 1923. He started wars against the Greek island of Corfu, he put a stop to the rebellion in Libya, and he had Italy invade and annexed Albania. Several years later, he authorized the use of concentration camps and poison gas to help put down a rebellion in Libya, which at that time was an Italian colony. Poison gas was again used illegally during the conquest of Ethiopia in 1935 and 1936.(Greenspan).
  • Joining Hitler's Side

    Joining Hitler's Side
    Benito allied himself with Adolf Hitler in May 1939. Mussolini expected coordinated policies to inhibit German initiatives until Italy's forces recovered from their recent exertions. Mussolini planned for war in 1943-1945. But Hitler started World War II in September 1939, giving only one week's warning to the Italians and forcing an enraged, humiliated Mussolini to declare "non-belligerence.” (Sullivan).
  • Hitler's affect on Italy

    Hitler's affect on Italy
    Italy loses the war and six months later restored as Hitlers puppet in Northern Italy, and he drove Italy deeper into the risk of invasion, occupation, and civil war. with the help of Benito.(Byers 273)
  • Captured

    Mussolini is captured and arrested by King Victor Emmanuel after Italy's economy crumbles.He is also stripped from all his power.(Wallace 192)
  • The Duce's Son-In-Law

    The Duce's Son-In-Law
    Benito accuses hes sone-in-law,Count Galeazzo Ciano, for treason and is convicted and sentenced to death.(Wallace 50)
  • rescue mission

    rescue mission
    Hitler sends out planes to rescue Benito Mussolini whichwas a success.
  • Hitler's Offer

    Hitler's Offer
    Hitler offers to give Benito Mussolini five german divisions.(Byers 273)
  • assassination attempts

    assassination attempts
    Following a series of assassination attempts in 1925 and 1926, Mussolini tightened his grip even further, banning opposition parties, kicking out over 100 members of parliament, reinstating the death penalty for political crimes, ramping up secret police activities and abolishing local elections (Greenspan). Mussolini was Italy’s dictator till 1945 (Byers 273).
  • Death

    The April 1945 German surrender in Italy forced Mussolini to flee. An insurgent captured by partisans (Keegan 152) Benito was executed (Bulfinch 235).