Inspiration from Russian Revolution
He founded the Italian Fascist party 2 years after the Russian Revolution. Italian peasants seized land and workers went on strikes. The workers would also take control of factories.
Author: Jacques Barzun Source: http://www.britannica.com/topic/history-of-Europe/European-society-and-culture-since-1914#ref311403 1/12/16 History Notes -
Fascist ideology
Fascism was a political ideology that glorifies a nation or race above the individual. It also has a dictator that controls the lives of the people and crushes opposing ideas. Source: 1/12/16 History Notes -
Mussolinis italy
Italy, in name, was a parliamentary monarchy. But, it was actually a upheld by terror. Mussolini brought the economy under state control. Workers received poor wages and were forbidden to go on strike. The individual person was unimportant. (unless that individual was a member of the state.) Source: 1/12/16 History Notes -
Spazio vitale “vital space”
Mussolini used many illegal methods to capture more land. He used poison gas and concentration camps to put down a revolution in Libya, which was an Italian colony at the time. He did everything in his power to gain more land for his Italian Empire. Author: Source: http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/benito-mussolini -
March on Rome
This march was the beginning of fascist rule. On October 24, 1922, fascist leaders planned a revolution to take place on October 28, which was a March on Rome by the armed forces of the fascists, The Blackshirts. On October 28, the Prime Minister, Lugia Facta ordered a time of siege for Rome. But the king, King Victor Emanuel III, decided not to sign off on the order. So the Blackshirts captured the government and Mussolini became Il Duce. Author: The editors of Encyclopædia Brittanica Source: -
Black Shirts
Black Shirts-He was also head of the all-powerful Fascist Party (formed in 1921) and the armed local fascist militia, the MVSN, or "Blackshirts," that terrorized incipient resistances in the cities and provinces.
Create in 1921. -
Corfu incident
He sent Italian forces to invade Corfu during the "Corfu Incident."
This was done in 1923.
Author: No Author
Title: Benito Mussolini Biography -
Consolidation of power in Libya
Soon after he succeeded in setting up a puppet regime in Albania and in ruthlessly consolidating Italian power in Libya, which had been loosely a colony since 1912
Author: No Author
Title: Benito Mussolini Biography -
Il Duce "the leader"
By 1925, Mussolini claimed the title of Il Duce, literally meaning "the leader". Source: 1/12/16 History Notes -
Puppet regime in Albania
Benito set up a puppet regime to consolidate Italian power.
Author: No Author
Title: Benito Mussolini Biography -
Police State
Mussolini progressively dismantled all constitutional and conventional restraints on his power, thereby building a police state.
Created in 1927
Author: No Author
Title: Benito Mussolini Biography -
Pro-natalism is an attitude or policy that encourages child bearing. It comes from the Latin word "natalis" meaning "birth". Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Natalism -
Once he created OVRA(Secret Police), he succeeded in keeping power in his own hands and preventing the emergence of any rival.
This was created in 1930.
Author: No Author
Title: Benito Mussolini Biography -
Invasion of Ethiopia
Italy set its sights on Ethiopia with an invasion that was carried out rapidly
Author: No Author
Title: Benito Mussolini Biography -
Autarky Policy
It is an economic policy instituting high barriers on trade with most countries except Germany.