
Bene Dan Timeline

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    1842, invented to create a vacum that was ment to use in mines, but later on it was used for transporting trains.
  • faxmachine

  • Washingmachine

  • Toiletpaper

  • Radio

    the first radio was invented in the late 1860s. the radio works like this:
    first you record a messege -> Transducer -> Electrical signal -> Electrical prosessor -> Transmitter -> then tru a reciever.
  • Dynamite

  • FIrst typewriter

    FIrst typewriter
    the first typewriter was invented in 1868
  • electric light bulb

    electric light bulb
    Thomas Edison (USA) and Joseph Swan (UK) in 1879. electric light started to replace the dim, yellow gas light, oil lamps and candlelight.
  • First motor runned car

    First motor runned car
    powered by a one-cylinder gasoline engine. The speed limit for cars was four miles per hour. invented in italy and works by an explosion in the cylenders that pumps power tru the car.
  • Convayer belt

    Convayer belt
    Invented by thomas robins, the longes convayer belt is placed in dubai international airport, and is 92 kilometers long, and is used for transporting packages, bags and stuff. its normally used to transport heavy things, too spare back inguryes.
    it has two small machines that pulls the rubber tracks.
  • First Motor Truck

    First Motor Truck
    invented 1896 by a german fellow named Gottlieb Daimler.
  • Bra

  • Lie Detector

    Lie Detector