Apr 24, 1564
william shakespeare
http://www.livinglibrary.co.uk/choice.asp?LL_Section=0&LL_Curric=0&1810144931&LL_Mode=10 This masterof words and this amazing playwrite was born on this day. -
Edward Jenner was born
Living Libary This medicine magician, killed of deadley small pox using cow pox. -
The Queen was born
http://www.livinglibrary.co.uk/searchrestype.asp?userstext=Queen+Elizabeth+II&LL_Mode=0&LL_Subject=2&LL_Curric=0&LL_SearchType=0&LL_ResultType=type&PageFrom=search&heading=Queen+Elizabeth+II&blnHighlight=1 One of the longest ever reghning monach and the current Queen,was born on this day