Ben Milam- Jonathan S. & Jack M.

  • moving

    his family moved to Kentucky shortly before Ben's birth
  • born

    Ben Milam wasborn
  • A large shipment

    A large shipment
    Ben and a friendmade a large shipment of flower with a friend
    and almost died from yellow fever
  • 1812 battle

    became a meber of the American forces in the war of 1812
  • mets James Long

    mets James Long
    Ben met a man named James Long husband of Jane Long
  • Period: to


    for planning to avenge James longs death he wasin jail for a short peirod of time
  • reveloution

    Ben joined volunteers during the Texas reveloution.
  • old Ben milam

    Ben said "Who will go with old Ben Milan to San Antonio?"
  • died

    he died by a riffle shot in 1835
  • incourages fellow Texans

    after he died he inspired fellow Texans to retake San Antonio