Ben Franklins Life

  • Ben Franklin's Born

    Ben Franklin's Born
    Ben Franklin is born on January 17 in Boston.
  • Pennsylvania Gazette

    Pennsylvania Gazette
    On October 2nd Ben franklin and his partner purchase and open the Pennsylvania Gazette.
  • Franklin stove

    Franklin stove
    Franklin invents the Franklin stove which warms people's homes safely.
  • Ben Franklin invents the lighting rod

    Ben Franklin invents the lighting rod
    Franklin invents the lighting rod which protects houses from being set on fire when it is struck by lightning.
  • Hospital

    Gave money to help build a hospital to help the sick. It became the first public hospital.
  • Ben Franklin draws First Political Cartoon

    Ben Franklin draws First Political Cartoon
    Franklin draws and publishes the "JOIN or DIE" cartoon which awakens the nation and to unite and start a fight against the british to gain freedom.
  • Franklin maps Gulf Stream

    Franklin maps Gulf Stream
    First scientist to map the Gulf Stream. Made it so sailors could use the Gulf Stream to travel places faster.(Exact date is unknown)
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Franklin and a few others write the Declaration of Independence declaring independence from Britain.
  • Treaty of Alliance with France

    Treaty of Alliance with France
    Franklin signs the Treaty of Alliance with France. Creates a military alliance with France and the U.S. against Britain.
  • Bifocals

    After Franklin got tired between switching between the two types of eye glasses he created the bifocals so he could always just wear one pair.
  • Franklin signs the Constitution.

    Franklin signs the Constitution.
    Franklin signs the Constitution which manages all civilization in the U.S.
  • Ben Franklin's death

    Ben Franklin's death
    Ben franklin dies at age 84 of old age.