ben and Me

By xavier2
  • Leaving Home

    Leaving Home
    Amos deserts his family and home for a new home
  • New Home

    New Home
    Amos stubbles over a new home, Ben Franklins.
  • Wager

    Ben agrees with Amos with him helping invention and amos gets food
  • Electricty

    AMos and ben attempt to create elctricity by using a crank to crank their invention
  • Second Chance

    Second Chance
    Ben tricks amos about the second attempt to create electricity by having amos soar in the air during a thunderstorm on a kite in the air
  • Decleration of Independence

    Decleration of Independence
    Declaration of Independence is signed by congressman.
  • France

    George Washington approaches the offer to Ben to sail over to france with Amos. Ben accepts.
  • Sophia

    Amos saves his crush by helping her reunite with her husband and children. Amos is depressed buit also very proud
  • Ben Birthday Party

    Ben Birthday Party
    Amos throws a birthday party for ben and they commamerates over their accomplishments by celebrating over presents and cake.
  • Amos

    Amos dies on Ben's Birthday