Beloved Timeline Forward-100

  • 1847-1848

    Halle buys Baby Suggs freedom and Sethe is bought in a year later as her replacement
  • 1849

    After a year of deciding Sethe chose Halle and they are married.
  • 1850

    Howard is born to Sethe and Halle
  • 1851

    Buglar is born to Sethe and Halle
  • 1853

    Mrs. Garner gets sick and Mr. Garner dies. Mrs Garner brings in School Teacher to take over Sweet Home, along with him he brings his nephews.
  • 1854

    Beloved is born to Sethe and Halle
  • 1855

    Sethe and Halle devise a plan to escape Sweet Home. Sethe sends her children away with Baby Suggs. While escaping, Sethe is captured and beaten by School Teacher’s nephews. Sethe escapes and runs away without Halle. Sethe starts to succumb to her injuries where she is discovered by Amy Denver. Amy helps Sethe regain her health and Sethe gives birth to Denver with the help of Amy . Sethe makes it across the river to Ohio where she joins Baby Suggs and her children. Family moves into 124
  • Sometime between 1855-1856

    Beloved dies
  • 1863-1864

    Howard and Buglar run away from home. Baby Suggs dies soon after leaving Sethe and Denver alone in 124
  • 1873

    Paul D arrives and moves in at 124. Paul D, Sethe, and Denver go to the carnival and when they arrive home they find Beloved. Sethe tells the story of her mother’s death to Denver and Beloved Denver becomes aware of who Beloved is