Sethe's and Halle's birth
The Garners purchase Halle and Baby Suggs
Baby Suggs' freedom is bought by Halle
Sethe arrives at Sweet Home
Howard is born from Sethe
Buglar is born from Sethe
Mr. Garner dies
Schoolteacher takes over SweetHome
Beloved is born from Sethe
Sethe is attacked by Schoolteacher's nephews
Sethe escapes from SweetHome
Denver is born with Amy Denver's help
Sethe tries to kill her kids, but only manages to kill Beloved
Sethe is arrested with Denver
Paul D. is in prison in Alfred, Georgia
Denver's education at Lady Jones
Baby Suggs' death
Howard and Buglar run away from home
Paul D. comes to Sethe's house
Sethe, Denver and Paul D attend a circus
Beloved arrives at 124 Bluestone
Paul D is seduced by Beloved
Paul D leaves Sethe after he finds out she murdered her child