2000px bell system hires 1969 logo blue.svg

Bell Laboratories

By drew978
  • First long distance television transmission

    First long distance television transmission
    Bell labs makes the first long distance television transmission by sending live images of Herbert Hoover over telephone lines from Washington Dc to New York City.
  • First Bimary Digital computer

    First Bimary Digital computer
    Bell labs introduced the complex number calculator, which was the first binary computer, which means it was doing its operations in binary form. This computer could find the quotient of two eight digit numbers in 30 seconds
  • Long distance computing

    Long distance computing
    Bell lab's demonstrated the first long distance operation of a computer during 1940. The demonstration connected a teletypewriter in New Hampshire with a computer in Bell labs in New York City.
  • First Mobile Telephone Call

    First Mobile Telephone Call
    A truck driver from St. louis made the fist ever mobile telephone call from a new mobile phone that was built into the trucks dashboard
  • The Transistor

    The Transistor
    In 1947, Bell labs scientists John Bardeen and Walter Brattian invented the transistor. They would later recieve a nobel prize in physics for their findings
  • Direct Distance Calling

    Direct Distance Calling
    Bell labs introduced direct distance calling early in 1951, this allowed customers to make long distance calls in the US without having to use and operator for assistance
  • Solar Cells

    Solar Cells
    Three researchers, Gerald Pearson, Calvin Fuller and Daryl Chapin used a diffused sillicon junction and created a solar cell that was capable of six percent enegry conversion rate in sunlight
  • First Infared laser

    First Infared laser
    Bell labs scientists Charles Hard Townes and Arthur Leonard Schawlow created the first laster in 1958 created the first infared laser. At the time they called thie invention an "optical maser"
  • First Communications Sattelite

    First Communications Sattelite
    The satellite was launched in June of 1962 and was powered by the solar cells Bell labs had invented not too many years before. This satellite allowed calls to be bounced from coast to coast.
  • Evidence of the Big Bang

    Evidence of the Big Bang
    Bob Wilson and Arno Penzias discovered cosmic background radiation that gave evidence for the big bang theory and the creation of the unverse
  • Unix Operating System

    Unix Operating System
    The Unix operating system was created in the Bell Labs starting in 1969, The unix operating system made large scale etworking much more practical and easier to use. Today Unix is still being used in some internet servers
  • Karamakar Linear Programming Algorithm

    Karamakar Linear Programming Algorithm
    A mathematician names Narendra Karmarkar develops a program that allows computers to economically solve very complex problems involving thousands of intervals.
  • C++

    C++ was a programing language that was developed by bell lab's Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ served as a addition to the original C programming language
  • Model 70 Computer Video Phone

    Model 70 Computer Video Phone
    The model 70 computer made simultaneous video communicatio possible and it also offered callers the ability to open, view and edit files on the screen
  • First commercial DWDM System

    First commercial DWDM System
    Bell labs first demonstrated its dense wavelength division multiplexing lightwave system, short for DWDM, which would send digitized information over multiple wavelengts or colors of light